News Feed Discussions Question re: numb sensations

  • Question re: numb sensations

    Posted by Casimir on January 7, 2020 at 9:43 pm

    Hello (I apologize if this posts twice, I didn’t see it posted initially)

    Is there any understood correlation to an (in my case indirect) inguinal hernia / and regional nerve issues that can be related to that, and a numbness sensation traveling down the inner thigh, down to inner (medial?) side of kneecap, and all the way to the sole of the foot? When mine acts up, it creates these issues. If I lightly press near where the nerve (I think) would exit the canal for instance, it can be very tender (and was before any surgery), and when it gets irritated now, those other symptoms almost always occur literally a split second later. Also after I got the hernia, sometimes I’d get out of bed and step on my right foot and had a stabbing pain in my foot. That always confounded me. It gradually went 100% away.

    I’m wondering if some other tissue is somehow getting into a spasm, reacting to the hernia pain and creating this, or if this is more directly related to those canal nerve connections. When I do move my foot now I can feel something happening in my groin. Not painful. Just like a slight pressure sensation. Nothing like that on the left.

    And, would a neurectomy of that nerve mean numbness in all those other areas as well?

    I am hoping one of the Dr’s here would be able to shed some light on this. Thank you for this and this forum, it’s a beacon of light giving hope, and hope is what keeps me going. Thank you.

    Casimir replied 5 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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