News Feed Discussions right laproscopic inguinal hernia surgery with numbness and pain on right leg

  • LeviProcter

    December 9, 2017 at 10:54 pm

    Still pretty early in the postoperative course. Need to give it at least 6-8 weeks.


    Gluteal nerve sensation is supplied by any nerves in the region of an MIS inguinal hernia repair.
    See above link for skin sensation region based on the nerves at risk in an MIS inguinal:
    – iliohypogastric
    – ilioinguinal
    – Genital branch of GFN
    – Femoral branch of GFN
    – Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

    The femoral nerve itself would be very difficult to in-advertantly injure. It’s difficult to even find and is often deep to psoas

    Your symptoms don’t sound tack related.
    Your symptoms seem to be pressure on some of the groin nerves (lateral fem cutaneous) related. If it occurs in a seated position it can be mesh pressing on the nerves but is relieve with moving. Your mesh is generating lots of inflammation as its intended at this time frame.

    The gluteal down to the foot can imply lumbar nerve root impingement vs muscle spasm related issue.

    Nerves are not sought typically to prevent injury. Tacks are avoided in the triangle of pain (where the nerves primarily are).
    Fixation often not needed unless large direct hernia >= 3cm.
    If fixation is used it’s based on anatomy and landmarks.
    Stretching is fine.

    Way too early to jump to conclusions.
    Be active.
    Give it 6-8 weeks before digging further.

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