News Feed Discussions Seroma Post Surgery Question

  • Seroma Post Surgery Question

    Posted by HerniaQuestion on September 27, 2018 at 1:17 am

    So I’m roughly 3 weeks post open inguinal hernia surgery. This is my second surgery on the area as my previous surgery failed at some point.

    I was wondering if this is normal behavior for what could be a seroma or fluid buildup in the area- immediately after surgery i had a visible bulge in the area that looked just like my hernia. This extended into my scrotum as my previous hernia did. So over these past three weeks I’ve noticed that it sort of builds up in size as the day goes on. When I lay down to go to bed it is visible and doesbt immediately go back in as my hernia did. It seems to very very slowly reduce in size as I lay there. By the time I wake up, it appears to be gone but will slowly build up again as the day goes on. I actually had a few 2-3 day streaks where it appeared to build up smaller / not even appear at all but depending on activity would show itself again.

    So is it normal for a fluid buildup to go away/ partially reabsorb at night and build as the day goes on? Overall it does appear to reach a final size that is smaller by the end of the day as times going on.

    Thanks everyone.

    drtowfigh replied 6 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    October 7, 2018 at 9:35 pm

    There are various possible reasons for a bulging mass in the groin when standing, and one that resolves eventually when lying flat. Your surgeon should be able to figure it out for you:
    – communicating hydrocele
    – varicocele
    – recurrence

  • John Fortem

    September 29, 2018 at 10:59 am

    This reminds me of my hernia, which goes back in when I lay down. I lay down at night with a hernia and wake up without a hernia in the morning, and then it starts coming back slowly as the day goes on. I have gone 3 days at most without any hernia.

    What kind of hernia did you have and what kind of surgery did you have? Did they use a mesh to hold your hernia in place? Why did the first surgery fail?

    It should be possible to rule out seroma by doing an ultrasound test.

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