I have a very small inguinal hernia, barely a noticable bulge the size of an almond. The doctors said the operation was a simple one and I would need it eventually. My pain level is just about non-existant, just a slight pain for a few seconds now and then a few times a month. I had booked mesh surgery and then cancelled a week before the scheduled date after reading more on this forum about mesh issues and seeing a doctors statement that no surgery is simple or guaranteed to be successful – cancelling was the best decision I made. 4 years later now and it really hasn’t gotten larger and still the pain level hasn’t changed. I use a hernia belt/truss (with flat side of pad against the area) when I work on my cars in the garage or do anything where lifting is concerned to be safe. I’ve since read and heard of people not ever needing the surgery, or waiting over 15-20 years before it was needed so I will simply watch and wait. I realize I’m lucky its not large like many have, where they need surgery sooner. If yours is similar to mine then I would simply watch and wait rather than risk surgery when not really needed.