News Feed Discussions Small Umbilical Hernia symptom question

  • Small Umbilical Hernia symptom question

    Posted by nervyb on August 5, 2018 at 2:50 pm

    I was diagnosed with a very small umbilical hernia on Wednesday. The day I discovered it, the sight was tender to the touch. The pain was reduced the next day but I touched and poked and squeezed it a lot trying to figure out what it was. I then went to the doctor where she pressed hard on it to diagnose and reduce it. It seems it’s stayed mostly reduced since then. I had been having bad bloating since that until yesterday when it started to subside. I finally felt like eating normally yesterday so had fairly normal sized meals. I also was at an amusement park with my family walking a lot. I felt fine until later in the afternoon when I started to get a sharp gas pain feeling right at the sight of the hernia. It still feels like it’s stayed reduced since my doctor pushed it back in. The pain was right above my belly button inside. It got worse over the next few hours and in the middle of the night. I could feel it as gas traveled through my belly and produce the pain by pressing on the right side of my abdomen, which felt like it was moving the pressure to that spot. It was not constant, but I could feel it with some movements. If I laid on my stomach the pain went away when I took a breath in and returned when I exhauled and my stomach flattened on the bed. I don’t actually feel much tenderness if I press lightly on my belly button, this feels like a pain inside like gas pains but only on that one specific spot. It has subsided mostly this morning, I supposed since digesting over night and passing much of the gas in my belly, but I do get a twinge now and then.

    What could cause this? Could it be a sign of damage to that spot of my intestines? Or if it was just the fatty today tissue that was protruding, could that being inflamed cause this pain as food and air were passing through? I had a normal bowel movement yesterday morning and this morning.

    I think I’ve had this hernia for a while but I’ve never had this kind of pain with it before messing around with the area.

    Cyborg replied 6 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Cyborg

    August 6, 2018 at 11:36 pm

    Hello nervyb. I had similar issue with surgeon pressing with force on umbilical region. I had extreme pain after leaving his office and ran a fever that night. I then had to have hernia repair a couple of weeks later. With pain as the a major factor I did not do my research about mesh and agreed to it. In my opinion do the second opinion with a surgeon that can repair,if it is a hernia,without mesh.

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