News Feed Discussions Someone with mesh removal and positive outcome?

  • Someone with mesh removal and positive outcome?

    Posted by paco on September 27, 2018 at 8:28 pm

    Five months ago, I underwent a small right inguinal hernia open repair, with Rutkow-Robbins procedure (plug and mesh).

    Since then I have excrutiating pain and burning in the right groin and testicle as well as immunological problems, heavy weight loss (more than 10kg in 5 mos), burning legs and feet, axilar pain, and “prostatitis like” chronic pelvic pain.

    By the way my surgeon does not care.

    The worst of all is that I also suffer from a complex and unrecognized condition for more than 3 years called Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension or more commonly an spinal leak (CSF leak), in my case due a fall backwards 3 years ago.
    I’ve waiting for a treatment for this condition in Berna (Switzerland), the only center in the World, besides Cedars Sinai and Duke Univerisity (both USA), wich are able to treat this condition.
    But my recent hernia mesh repair complications prevents me from going to receive treatment.

    But related to the hernia, I’ve visited other doctors, wich prescribed neuropathic meds and physical therapy with minor and low term relief.
    The latest physicians I consulted are: one internal medicine, wich after specific blood tests see immunological alterations, and the only two surgeons in Spain wich are able to remove meshes and perform an anatomical repair (such as Shouldice or Bassini).

    One of the surgeons informed me that plug and mesh is not recomended procedure at all by European Union Hernia Advisory, due heavy fibrosis and erosion incidence, migration or nerve entrapment […TREATMENT.pdf].

    Also he says that mesh must be carefully considered, specially in young, young adults, skinny guys (as me) or athlete, and anatomical reconstruction should have better outcome, but only in hands of expert surgeons with expertise in abdominall wall, since today the vast majority of surgeons are young and they do not know how to perform anatomical repairs (and mesh is more easy) as well as economic concerns (in this case mesh companies).

    The problem is that they informed me that mesh removal is an arduous procedure, due they must re-open, carefully indentify and resect critical structures (spermatic cord, cremasteric…), remove the mesh (and the plug in my case) and finally perform a Shouldice repair (which is also complex and laborious).

    Also, they recommend a triple neurectomy (ilioinguinal, genito-femoral and crural).

    I’m worried about the triple neurectomy, because sometimes can create a “neuroma” more painful than previous nerve damage and difficult to treat therafter.

    Has anyone had a good outcome after mesh removal and/or neurectomy?


    drtowfigh replied 6 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • drtowfigh

    October 7, 2018 at 9:37 pm

    responded on separate post.

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