Spigelian post op pain 6 months on
6 months after my spigelian (left) hernia surgery I still suffer pain/pressure/pulsing. I’m surgeon told me I have mesh with plastic tacks approx 1cm apart around the mesh the size of my palm and another ring of tacks in the centre of the mesh.
I feel my symptoms are worse if my bowels are full and if I eat a heavy meal. Sometimes I have pain for no obvious reasons.
My surgeon has told me the tacks can take 6-8months t dissolve and I’m experiencing a common complication. And that when the tacks dissolve it should improve.
An ultra scan revealed that the mesh is in place still and not touch although close to the bowel and yet. Know it’s bowel related pain sometimes.
I feel my consultant is not listening to my symptoms and when they come and I was considering getting another opinion or do they really take so long to dissolve and should I still be in so much discomfort 6months on?
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