Swelling below where inguinal hernia surgery was performed
A little background.. I had inguinal hernia surgery on 2/23/16, everything was going fine. I went back to the surgeon for a 2 week follow up on 3/7/16 which he said the hole was small that he had to put mesh over, and said I was free to return to all activity with no restrictions. I went back to the gym on the 9th and 10th, only did machines and not max weight, didnt do any exercises or cardio that would put strain on the area. Then on 3/11/15 the area below the scar, which i guess would be the groin started to swell on same side as surgery and underneath it kind of feels like scar tissue down there. I went back to the surgeon on 3/14/16 and he felt the area and stated he doesnt think that its a reoccurring hernia, but that it might be scar tissue but hes not sure. Wants me to come back in 10 days for a follow up. The swelling area does throb and have some pain and throbs somewhat from what seems to be where the hernia was. The swelling seems to go down some at night, and then if I go to work (desk job) by lunch time it seems to have swollen up again.
Obviously I wouldnt of went back to the gym or done any activity unless cleared by the Dr first. I am just really worried about this and any info you could provide me on your thoughts I would greatly appreciate. Thank you
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