News Feed Discussions Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia

  • Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia

    Posted by Wendy31 on January 4, 2016 at 1:05 am

    I am 34 year old female. I am 5’6 120 lbs. In 2007, at age 26 I had an umbilical hernia repaired with mesh. It healed fine, and in a month, I was totally back to normal. No problems, no pain until 2014 when I felt that familiar hernia pain and went back to the original surgeon who said the hernia had recurred and I should have surgery again to repair. In hindsight, I should have consulted a more experienced hernia specialist, but I had no idea how complicated a recurrence surgery could be, nor did I know the risks and complications. Apparently my surgeon did not know either.

    After the second surgery, I was in pain constantly, worse than with the hernia. I saw many specialists and surgeons and none of them wanted to touch it. For about a year, I was in terrible pain and discomfort, not only in my umbilical area where the mesh is, but all over my torso, up under my ribs and through my entire abdominal wall. The pain never got better, but I finally concluded I had to just learn to live with it, because after seeing so many doctors/surgeons, they all pretty much told me there wasn’t much they could do to fix/help it, because the repair was fine, I was just having chronic pain from scar tissue, and numerous adhesions.

    I am now 18 months out from the second surgery, and I feel that hernia pain again. I can also feel the bulge above my belly button with my finger, so I am about 98% sure the hernia is back yet again, for the third time. What can I do? I am so afraid to get surgery again. Why does it keep coming back? Is it because of an inept surgeon? Am I defective? I am so upset. I cannot go through that pain again, but I suppose I have to. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you

    Wendy31 replied 9 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    January 7, 2016 at 6:54 am

    Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia

    Hope the names I provided were helpful in giving you some direction

  • Wendy31

    January 4, 2016 at 2:46 am

    Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia

    Thank you for this list of surgeons. I am willing to travel anywhere, just to finally find someone who can help me. I also plan to get a few different opinions before undergoing a third surgery so I would appreciate any and all names you may have.

    I cannot thank you enough for your help.

  • Wendy31

    January 4, 2016 at 2:43 am

    Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia

    Again, thank you so much Dr. Towfigh for your advice.

    Is there anyone in the NJ / NY / anywhere on the east coast you would recommend? I know I need a very experienced hernia specialist.

    I do have all of my operative reports.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • drtowfigh

    January 4, 2016 at 2:40 am

    Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia

    There are a lot of great surgeons near you, but you have to drive.
    In NJ, there are Drs. Ravi Brambhatt and Jarrod Kaufman.
    If you can make it to NY, I recommend Dr Brian Jacob.
    Any other states you’re willing to travel to?

  • drtowfigh

    January 4, 2016 at 2:36 am

    Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia

    I recommend a full survey of your risk factors first. And then a detailed review of your prior operative reports prior to committing to a third operation.
    You don’t want to have a fourth repair.

  • Wendy31

    January 4, 2016 at 2:24 am

    Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia

    Dr. Towfigh,

    Thank you so much for your reply. I do think I may be genetically predisposed, my father also had an umbilical hernia, and I have polycystic kidneys, which I have been told can cause umbilical hernias. I just do not understand why it keeps coming back.
    I am in New Jersey.
    Do you recommend a third repair?

    Again, thank you so very much for your response.

  • drtowfigh

    January 4, 2016 at 2:18 am

    Third Recurrence of Umbilical Hernia

    Hernias do recur in a subset of patients. Typically, these patients either have a genetic predisposition to getting hernias, or there is an underlying issue that hasn’t been addressed, such as straining with Bowel movements, nicotine use, obesity, chronic cough, etc, that predisposes one to hernia recurrence. These must be addressed prior to considering a third operation
    Also, many of us specialists resort to laparoscopic surgery for the redo hernia repair or to a different method of open mesh repair.
    We would have to review your operative reports to understand what was done and why you had the recurrences.
    Where do you live? Perhaps we can refer you to someone we know who can help with This process.

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