News Feed Discussions to be or not to be a hernia?

  • to be or not to be a hernia?

    Posted by jackieg on October 15, 2015 at 10:59 am

    I am a 47 year old female suffering greatly from bilateral (groin) pain for 2+ years. The pain came on all of a sudden after running a ½ marathon. My MRI’s showed FAI bone impingement and labrum tears. After an unsuccessful round of PT, shots and anti inflammatory medication my OS (dr. Bryan Kelly) determined the only solution was bilateral hip surgery. I am 1+ years Post-Op and my exact pain persists and I know have additional pain in my knees. OS said pain could be caused by hernias so he sent me for CT and MRI scans of my pelvis and to a hernia specialist. I have attached the impressions for your review. I have seen 2 hernia specialist the one the OS sent me to (Dr. Zoland) thinks the hernias are causing the pain the other (Dr. Geller) didn’t think the hernias were relevant. Another hip specialist thought I might still have impingement. In search of a 3rd opinion I came across the NYT article and thought you might be able to help. The pain (persistent burning sensation) really comes from one spot in the front crease which to me seems like my groin more then my hip. There are no clear bulges, I feel small pea size growths but have been told they are just lymph nodes. My left side is far worse then my right and I am always in sharp pain. It can get unbearable if I have an active day. I get minimal if any relief from pain medication. If I push my pelvis out or straighten leg it seems to release pressure. I often take to my bed. I use to be very active and my quality of life has diminished significantly. I spoke to your office and they directed me here. I live in NYC so wondered if you could review my case to determine whether you thought it was worth me coming to LA or if you knew someone in NYC or closer to NY that you’d recommend. I appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you.

    Chaunce1234 replied 9 years, 4 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    October 22, 2015 at 7:13 pm

    to be or not to be a hernia?

    Thank you for your post!

    Some thoughts:
    1. Just because you have imaging finding of labral tear/FAI does not mean your symptoms are due to it.
    2. It sounds like you very well can have an inguinal hernia. I have great trust in Dr. Zoland, who has seen many of my patients and very thoroughly and astutely diagnosed them with inguinal hernias, when others had not. Dr. Brian Jacob is also a hernia specialist and skilled in laparoscopy and a member of HerniaTalk.
    3. I do not recommend further consultations for more opinions. Please see Drs. Zoland or Jacob as you will be in excellent hands.

  • Chaunce1234

    October 17, 2015 at 11:52 am

    to be or not to be a hernia?

    jackieg – While nobody can predict the future, the hernias can be a source for your pain. From what I can see on the MRI report, there doesn’t seem to be a problem with the rectus muscle insertion or either adductor tendon that’s causing the pain, although the left adductor was abnormal. As your symptoms seem to be quite significant, it sounds like a diagnostic intraperitoneal laparoscopy, and laparoscopic hernia repair (TAP or TEP) would have a reasonable chance at making a diagnosis and treating the problem. Obviously nobody can guarantee success, but at least they could try. In NYC, you could see Brian Jacob who operated at Mt. Sinai, or one of my previous fellows, Rebecca Kowalski who operates at Lenox Hill. Both will listen, and will sincerely try to help you. Hope this helps!

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