News Feed Discussions Ventral Hernia No Mesh Repair (Dr. Tomas & Dr. Grischkan)

  • Ventral Hernia No Mesh Repair (Dr. Tomas & Dr. Grischkan)

    Posted by kcm on September 4, 2018 at 9:52 pm

    In November of 2017 I was diagnosed with an umbilical hernia and a possible hernia on my right side.

    My story:…-hidden-hernia

    Since then I have been looking for a no mesh repair.

    Prior to the umbilical hernia diagnosis I did not pay much attention to my naval area, but after this diagnosis I looked at my belly button and it did seem changed. This must have happened gradually since I didn’t take notice of it. There is a small hood over the belly button. There is an indentation above the hood and right above that there is a slightly puffy oblong area. This is hardly visible and hard to judge its size. It seems to be around 1¼” long and 3/8” in width.
    In recent months the gnawing pain in my abdomen has become constant.

    Last week during my exam Dr. Tomas pushed into the slightly swollen oblong area. When his finger pressed into this hernia it provoked pain. He said I had a ventral hernia with an umbilical component.
    I asked him how big the ventral hernia was and he said that it was not big.

    Dr. Tomas also examined me for an inguinal hernia, but no bulge was felt. Another doctor saw inflammation in this area from either my CT Scan or MRI.
    I still have discomfort to the right side of my belly button into the right groin crease. The labia area has a mild sensation and my right leg is heavy. These symptoms remain a mystery.
    I am hoping that possibly they are referred pain from the umbilical and ventral hernia.
    Does anyone have any insight into this possibility?
    I still have a suspicion that these symptoms may be caused by a hidden hernia.
    Another thought could my discomfort be caused by chronic appendicitis?

    The ventral umbilical surgery would be open under twilight sedation. I asked about the incision. The incision would be above and below the belly button and I believe around the belly button.
    To repair the defect Dr. Tomas also utilizes a
    “patent pending triple sutured repair for ventral hernias” with a low recurrence rate, less than 4% for this repair”.
    This type of surgery is tension free and uses absorbable stitches.

    After my appointment his office emailed this information regarding surgery.

    “Since you have a ventral hernia, you will need an abdominal binder with you the day of your surgery.
    You will need to wear it for 8 weeks following your surgery. 4 weeks to be worn day and night / 4 weeks to be worn daytime only. After that you should wear it when going to the gym or lifting extra heavy items or playing with children who expect you to be lifting them.

    “As far as your ventral hernia repair is concerned, Dr. Tomas will no doubt need to insert a drain to release the liquid that has collected in that area. This draining time frame takes about 5 – 7 days. The larger the hernia, the longer time of the drain. You would need to monitor it every 24 hours. When the draining reaches below 8cc then you would call our office and schedule your post-operative appointment to have the drain removed.”

    Is the drain insertion dependent on the size of the person and/or the size of the hernia?
    Do drains leave big scars?

    Since I have travel plans at the end of September I was encouraged by Dr. Tomas’ coordinator to have the surgery done this week (Friday, September 7th)
    because of the recuperation period and possible use of a drain.


    I also had a brief phone consultation with Dr. Grischkan.
    I included quotes from Dr. Grischkan’s website.

    Dr. Grischan’s Shouldice ventral surgery seems as though it may be shorter in duration and it would have less of an incision and scar (“the unique combination of special focus on small cosmetic incisions”). Other considerations are: no drain is used, recovery time might be faster, and the sutures are different. I am not sure if his method is tension free.

    I have read that shouldice is the gold standard for no mesh hernia repair.
    I do not understand how this compares to Dr. Tomas’ triple suture method.

    Dr. Grischkan’s website states :
    Reports form the Shouldice Clinic have consistently documented failure rates under 1%, which has made the Shouldice the gold standard in hernia surgery.
    Major advantages of the updated Shouldice Technique is the short duration of surgery – 20 to 30 minutes, a small groin incision, and the ability to return to full activities three days following the repair.
    As noted above, no mesh is used so that none of the complications associated with nylon mesh are seen.
    With a failure rate under 1%, it is the procedure of choice for those patients who research the best method of hernia repair.
    ~ Sutures
    “Although the original technique using a wire suture is still practiced by them. Many centers have upgraded to synthetic, stretchy suture which is better suited to the active adult. Additionally many Shouldice experts us a two layer of repair as opposed to the four layer originally proposed.”

    ~ Approach to Ventral Hernia = No Drains
    “Traditional techniques of repair typically require a lengthy procedure, drains to egress fluid from the surgical field and the insertion of mesh. In comparison, the Shouldice technique allows for a relatively quick procedure, often using sedation anesthesia with no drains piercing the abdomen and no mesh. In the case of massive ventral hernia, where excess tension would likely lead to failure, the Modified Shouldice technique, in which a small segment of a special mesh is incorporated into the repair has yielded outstanding results. Most patients require only a few days before resuming unrestricted activities.”

    ~Recovery Time
    I was told that I could fly home the same day of the surgery. In contrast, Dr. Tomas’ coordinator cautioned me about my flight 3 weeks later.
    The body builders featured on Dr. Grischkan’s website go back to training very soon after their operations.

    I am trying to understand the difference between the two types of surgery.
    I also hope this information may be of help to other members on this website.
    I am scheduled with Dr. Tomas for surgery on September 7th.
    I will report about my surgery and recovery.

    Many thanks again!

    dog replied 6 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • dog

    September 8, 2018 at 9:03 pm

    Hi kCM,

    Thank You! and thank you for your kind words! I am very straightforward person, speak from my heart ..I am the same in business :} here is me

  • kcm

    September 8, 2018 at 2:04 pm

    Hi dog,

    The information I posted in italics was quoted directly from Dr. Grischkan’s website.

    this is the link to ventral surgery:

    this is the link to his Non-Mesh Hernia Repair- The Updated Shouldice Technique:

    HIs website has other links that are helpful to understand his approach to hernia repair.
    Also there is an online form that you can fill out. Dr. Grischkan will respond by phone.

    I had my surgery yesterday with Dr. Tomas. My operation went well. I am recovering and following the post operation protocol.

    Thank you for all your posts dog they are informative.

    Best, ~k

  • dog

    September 7, 2018 at 5:33 am

    Very interested by Dr. Grischkan Shouldice ventral surgery ,who made this update ?

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