Ventral incisional hernia
I have a back fusion in 2010, they inserted a cadaver bone through my adbomen, which cause me to have a seroma in the area. My problem is one year ago, I felt a tear in the area. Went to the doctor and did not feel a hernia, but there was a tear they finally agree after the radiologist pointed it out on the CT/MRi. I had surgery, they surtured the tear and one year later, I did a “twist” there’s that pain again and a tear. Now, I have seen three doctors because the doctor who surtured the tear retire and does not do “hernia/tear” repairs anymore. I am in angony of pain. This happen in Aug 15 and now it is in October and still NO doctor nor ER, I went to the ER for the pain was in tolerable and no one can help me. One of these doctors told me if I cant feel or see it I CANT HELP YOU! The other one said, “tears will heal on themselves” and nothing has been done. I am in terrible terrible cramping pain…..I finally found one doctor who had me on the table and said, “sit up” and he said he felt it and will do it. I am a little weary because he did not do any tests, just going by what I said. I hope I am doing the right thing. ANY GOOD GENERAL SURGEONS HERE IN THE SAN GABRIEL/INLAND VALLEY THAT UNDERSTANDS VENTRAL INCISIONAL HERNIAS?
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