Watchtful waiting since 2016
Hi all,
I’ve been following this forum for a long time and reading papers and carefully weighing all the stories that I’ve read here and ultimately decided not to go for the surgery.I opted for watchful waiting. I have a bilateral hernia: the right one is minimally symptomatic and the size between a golf ball and a tennis ball (quite large and visible to the naked eye), the left one is completely invisible but hurts more than the large one.
I’ve been wearing boxers that keep the hernia in place for the last 6 years and had a sport regimen running and swimming. I managed to get rid of the belly 2 years ago which made my hernia appear smaller because there was less pressure on it and also made the pain far less noticeable. I go for runs, hikes, I surf and I’m really having the time of my life, I just need to be careful and listen to my body: the pain can come anytime but if I rest for a bit it disappears.
I could have had surgery ages ago: I’m 31 now and was 25 when I discovered it but I just didn’t know if I wanted laporoscopic, open, mesh, no-mesh. To be honest I think due to being a very healthy individual I probably could have had surgery without a problem but I just didn’t take the risk. My decision is to have surgery if the pain becomes bothersome or the hernia becomes larger. In 6 years neither of these two things happened yet.
Has anyone taken a similar path and is happy with the result? Do you think I’m playing with fire and my hernia could strangulate any time?
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