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    April 14, 2017 at 1:49 am in reply to: Chronic Hernia Pain – Where to turn now?

    So sorry to hear of your troubles and pain, may I ask what were your symptoms after surgery? Did you ever fully recover and have no pain or was is constantly pain right out of the gate? What kind of symptoms were you presentation and what various levels of pain were you experiencing? Any information would be helpful please feel better.


    April 9, 2017 at 12:01 am in reply to: Right Inguinal Hernia Post-Op pain (Open Incision)

    Thank you for your response Dr. Towfigh, I’m now actually 5 weeks post op and the stabbing pains I was describing in an earlier post have calmed down a bit in intensity and frequency but I am still getting this low level pinching sensation in and around the scar I think since the groin is still pretty numb so hard to exactly pin point and the occasional stabbing pain, again compared to before at a lower intensity but there is still significant “activity” in my right groin where the surgery was. I’m not debilitated from the pain and nothing specific seems to bring it on. pain when it really his is prob a 2\3 please let me know if this sounds somewhat normal?? At 5 weeks, I haven’t returned to the gym or any sort of exercise as I’m very nervous to. I’m actually very nervous that I’m on my way into the “chronic” pain category. When is that protocol started or evaluated? Am I jumping the gun?? I really hope so, based upon the low level of pain I’m experiencing I’m praying it just goes away perhaps I heal slower then the norm….Please what are your thoughts or anyone reading this, please talk me off the ledge.


    March 23, 2017 at 2:18 pm in reply to: Right Inguinal Hernia Post-Op pain (Open Incision)

    So then would it be fair to say that your no really out of the woods with “nerve entrapment” in the mesh or scar tissue until 6 weeks??


    March 22, 2017 at 5:53 pm in reply to: Right Inguinal Hernia Post-Op pain (Open Incision)

    It also hurts a lot to walk any meaningful distance what could that be??


    March 22, 2017 at 3:58 pm in reply to: Right Inguinal Hernia Post-Op pain (Open Incision)

    hello Dr. Towfigh….thanks so much for your reply. so I do not have excruciating pain at this point and the 1st week I think was textbook recovery as the stabbing pains etc did’t present until the 2nd and 3rd week. I’m taking 3 Motrin couple times a day and it really does nothing. Again the stabbing pain is in and around the incision site, since the groin is pretty much still numb it’s hard to pin-point the exact location of the pain but it feels like it’ s in and around the scar. So it’s comforting to hear from you that you don’t think I’m presenting symptoms of nerve entrapment/injury from the repair as that would be excruciating pain from day 1 and that’s not the case as it’s intermittent and around a 4-5 pain scale. So nerve entrapment from scar tissue/mesh is around the 6 week mark?? Is it a bad sign that I’m presenting these symptoms now (early on entrapment) or again like injury at surgical time the pain of an entrapment regardless of when would be excruciating neuropathic pain and unbearable and my symptoms are just the healing process. I’m rather inpatient as you can see and want to be back to my normal activity, The surgical site is also very sore, normal correct?


    March 22, 2017 at 1:34 am in reply to: Right Inguinal Hernia Post-Op pain (Open Incision)

    Hi Norton,
    Thanks for the good wishes, actually as I sit here and write this I was thinking how my day was better then yesterday until over the last couple of hours I’ve felt like I’ve been stabbed in the groin with a knife and it’s being twisted around over and over and over just sitting in bed not even moving a muscle???? What in gods name ???? Anyone please help
    drs office said could be due to swelling in groin still
    dosen’t sound right to me
    should not be this painful still ??? Just sitting no movement crazy stabbing pain!!!!