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My Ultrasound report just came through:
Diagnostic ultrasound examination of the right inguinal region demonstrated maturing oedematous hypoechoic scar tissue in the subcutaneous tissues extending down to the lateral surface of the spermatic fascia at the internal inguinal ring. The maturing scar tissue contacts the genitofemoral nerve with the ilioinguinal nerve coursing directly into the region of the oedematous scar tissue.
[USER=”2580″]DrBrown[/USER] [USER=”935″]drtowfigh[/USER] have either of you ever seen patients who have nerve pain as a result of the nerve being trapped in scar tissue rather than because of damage to the nerve itself? Do you have any take on this report?
Hi everyone,
to update you all, I’m still not doing great.
I’ve had some sessions with an osteopath who resolved the adducter issues and has also been working on breaking the scar tissue up which has been useful to some extent – it seems some of the sensitivity around the incision is beginning to subside as a result of this. However, the “numb” area below the incision down to the top of the penis remains very uncomfortable – tapping it causes electric shock type stabbing pain, it remains swollen/firmer than the opposite side. This remains (and has always been) the biggest problem – it’s a combination of a strange feeling, nerve type pain and a feeling of swelling/fullness that is not at all pleasant to deal with. I would say it borders the area served by the ilioinguinal and genital branch of GF (which was divided in surgery) I have also noticed that the superficial inguinal ring is also tender to touch – this doesn’t feel like nerve pain, more like injury/tissue pain.
It will be 10 weeks on Friday and the knock on effect of not being able to exercise/keep my core strong/remain flexible and has resulted in old back problems recurring and which is causing me even more anguish.
My consultant doesn’t want to do anything until we reach the 3 month mark other than continue with the 10mg amitriptyline which we swapped in in place of the Lyrica. Next steps will be pain killing injections locally but my next appointment isn’t until mid-Jan because holidays are in the way.
[USER=”2580″]DrBrown[/USER] [USER=”935″]drtowfigh[/USER] what do you think of the approach? I know you mentioned blocks but my consultant is adamant that less is more and we should wait another month. My consultant is very highly regarded so I do trust them. On the other hand, the surgeon that carried out the op is also very highly regarded but isn’t being particularly helpful when I am trying to resolve the pain I now have. Concerns remain that this might never resolve/could get worse. It is really affecting my day-to-day well being both physically and mentally. I have been thinking about trying to get a neurologist who specialises in peripheral nerve problems involved as well – I’m not sure if anyone has a view on this? Any help would be much appreciated.
Hi – my understanding is it was similar to shouldice without touching the cremaster muscle. Thanks – I feel like I need all the luck I can get right now!
100% not mesh repair
Hi all. To update you all, the pain remains pretty constant – no huge improvements. I’ve had some sessions with an osteopath to resolve the adductor problem and also work on the scar tissue and this has provided some relief but the main issue below the incision trough to the base of penis (numb but also painful/stabbing/electric type pain) and allodynia in the groin crease remains.
I’ve had an MRI and ultrasound and both have come back fine.
My consultant is suggesting we wait until the 3 month mark, at which point he is hoping things will have improved but if they don’t we’ll move to pain killing injections to start with. He feels it is too early to do anything other than low level drugs and wait until we reach the 3 month mark. I’ve swapped the Lyrica (pregabalin) out for Elavil (amitriptyline) but have only been taking this for 3 days so it’s too early to give any comment on how it’s working.
Mentally, it’s a struggle. To go from fully functioning/no pain to being in constant pain with no guarantee of resolution is very difficult to accept.
If anyone has anything to suggest it would be much appreciated.
Hi Feurmann. I didn’t have mesh – mine was tissue repair. Did you have any treatment for the pain or did you just let it run its course?
Hi Feurmann. I didn’t have mesh – mine was tissue repair. Did you have any treatment for the pain or did you just let it run its course
[USER=”935″]drtowfigh[/USER] can you pls publish my latest reply which has been marked as spam. Thanks.
Hi everyone,
I thought it would be good to update you all on my progress, as, from a personal point of view, I’ve found it very helpful reading other peoples stories online.
Things have changed for me but I can’t say they’ve really improved.
Whilst the burning/nerve type pain is now less prominent but I now have increased actual pain (mainly dull/tender/nagging, occasionally sharp) in my groin (area from just above incision the base of penis) across almost all of the right side; right groin canal is very sore, bottom right quadrant of groin feels swollen/firmer than left side (especially as the day goes on or after moving around); right testicle now aches.
All in all, I am very worried that it is now 7 weeks post-surgery and my day to day activity is restricted and I am in constant pain.
I’ve sought a second opinion from a very well regarded specialist who was not impressed at all with the fact that the GFN was divided and the prognosis hasn’t left me full of hope that this will ever be resolved.
More than anything, the whole situation is hugely upsetting – I have a young daughter and 8 weeks ago we were chasing each other around the park and I was picking her up/swinging her round, etc . . . with absolutely no pain or restrictions caused by the hernia – I was probably in the shape of my life.
My new consultant is sending me for an ultrasound and MRI.
If anyone has anything to suggest/add that would be much appreciated.
Hi. I’d rather not say who my surgeon was for now. Happy to let everyone know once I’ve got some clarity as to what exactly is happening with my repair. I have a follow up with the surgeon a few days time.
The severity of the burning pain reduced spontaneously by about 30-40% overnight at week 3 but no further changes since then. This was about a week after starting pregabalin – not sure if the 2 are related.
My abductor is also very tight on the side of the repair and when I run my nails over the abductor I can feel sensation in my groin – all very strange. I’m stretching it and also using a theragun on it but it tightens up again fairly quickly.
Pain seems to be worse in the evening – it’s almost as if there is increased swelling below the surgical site but not that you can see on the surface of the skin.
I still have a lot of numbness around surgical site.
I’m already taking high dose vitamin c and also CBD oil to try and help as well as a load of other supplements that I have read might help.
I’ll keep you all updated.
Hi everyone – I saw a pain specialist yesterday who suggested a low dose of pregabalin (lyrica) for a few weeks to try to settle things. I also spoke with my surgeon again who insists the pain will pass spontaneously any up to 4 weeks post cooperatively. Does anyone have any views on either? Thanks, Andrew
Thanks Dr Towfigh.
Is allodyna permanent or can the nerve settle as my surgeon suggests? I am terrified this is now permanent.
thanks for coming back to mr Dr. In your experience, how long will this take to resolve if it is going to resolve spontaneously? To put in another way, how much longer should I wait before seeing a specialist?
Thanks Dill. If anyone else has a view that would be much appreciated. The pain is terrible and I am feeling pretty despondent – if I’d known this was a risk I wouldn’t have had the surgery.
[USER=”2580″]DrBrown[/USER] [USER=”935″]drtowfigh[/USER] – if either of you could comment that would be much appreciated.