Possible recurrent hernia?
I had a bi lateral hernia operation in June 2013 which was a source of GREAT PAIN.
This image was taken November 25, 2013
I had conflicting ideas from the ultra sound technician and doctors.
Doctors said they did not know how to read an ultra sound and ignored the images & report.
One doctor said it was just an air bubble?
Standing would cause great pain and felt like an hard boiled egg in my groin. Laying down the pain was reduced.
The mesh was replaced June 2015, I can stand now. Some pain sitting.
The surgeon said the mesh had curled after the operation. The next day he said all was installed correctly???? He did not want to talk any more on the subject, and ignored his comments from the day before, that the mesh had curled . I an still waiting for the other side to be redone.
Are there an medical doctors that can give medical terms of what the Ultra sound shows.
I see a tear.
No doctors, or hospitals mentioned in the posting.