Thanks for the responses Dr. Brown and bmul100!
I believe I had the synthetic mesh – I do not have any documentation if it was heavy or light. The surgery was laparoscopic, so not open. I have been taking tumeric and advil daily – and it seems a bit better- so i will continue this path for at least another week. It simply feels a bit tight in the “mesh” area where the surgery took place- and was wondering how long I should take off from any activity? Is this a 1-2 week take off completely, or a 3-4 completely, or a slow and gradual come back?
I’m sorry to hear about your pain as well. I am a 41 year old male in decent shape, 23 BMI, so I fully expect to be back to the gym. Just need to know estimated timing, and if I am aggravating it by getting on the stepper, or if the blood flow is good for it?