I feel this testimonial is very timely and important. There is a lot of ‘gloom and doom’ out there surrounding hernia complications. A small group of very talented surgeons have been pioneering efforts to remediate these and their published data seems to suggest that the majority “get better.” But what does that really mean? There is so little information available to patients that a positive outcome from one particular doctor or procedure is actually a huge data point. The procedure you had (minimally invasive primary tissue repair) is somewhat new. Jogging after six weeks also sounds miraculous.
Granted every case is different and peoples individual mileage will vary. I can echo many of your observations regarding traveling the country looking for the right doctor. Each has an approach that is very different. Some of these doctors are even booked over 6 months out.
Your case stands out.
Just like surgeons share these cases with each other at meetings all over the world it would be great if we as patients had a better resource to share our experiences. Many of the old support sites/groups are now defunct as their creators moved on with their lives. I suspect many patients with good outcomes return to a normal life so we don’t hear from what I hope is the happy majority.
If you can, continuing to share how your recovery goes would be really helpful.
It sounds like you may be able to return to a full active life which is really quite inspiring.