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I have reached out to dr towfighs office and the indianaherniaclinic office both through their websites for online consulations and nobody has responded, 1+week for dr towfighs and 5+ days for indianahernia. Does anybody know what I can do?
quote Chaunce1234:rbh05, you’re very welcome I hope some of the information shared here is useful. Do you mind sharing a little more about your case? Age? General health? Onset of symptoms? Was anything noted in your pelvic/ab imaging scans? Did you get any imaging with valsalva?
Please keep us updated on your case, symptoms, progress, and decision making. Best of luck!
Hey chaunce,sorry i completely floated over that part of your message!
i am age 21, my pAin slowly started at around age 17. No injury or anything, just slowly began devloping pain after ejaculation that to this day has been worsening. The only significant thing that happened at that point in my life was I started working at a very stressful place and absolutely hated it. I was a gamer as a kid so saw little physical activity until I started exercising around 18. Was never really overweight due to crazy metabolism, couldnt necessarily say my diet was good in the past. The mri showed free fluid in the pelvis, and the ct scan showed some thickening in the colon and rectum. Colonoscopy showed a perfectly healthy colon. No imaging with valsalva. Have lost hope in the doctors within my HMO, they havent really done much anyway.. -
quote drtowfigh:Some insight: inguinal hernias can be the cause of pelvic floor spasm.
Pain with sex and with coughing can also be seen with inguinal hernias.
i agree with the nearby surgeons listed by Chaunce… always full of helpful info.
i can also help review your history and imaging looking for an occult inguinal hernia. Is an online consultation.
First off want to thank you and everybody else who has responded to this thread thoughtfully. So i had ct scan and mri of the pelvis/abdominal region, I can definately get that imaging to you. I tried contacting your office through your website about an online consultation, how would you like to go about that?
The Indiana hernia clinic also looks fairly promising considering its only 4 hrs from my house, was going to contact them about a consulation as well.
You appear to be one of the top Dr’s in the country in regards to these types of issues, I would feel incredibly confident if you were able to review my case.