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  • seeker

    November 5, 2016 at 2:41 pm in reply to: Developing bumps after lap. hernia surgery

    Developing bumps after lap. hernia surgery

    Thank you for your reply Dr Towfigh. I have one more question. Can these seromas cause pain? I am feeling more discomfort and dull pain from this then I did the hernia.

  • seeker

    November 3, 2016 at 5:40 pm in reply to: Feeling post surgical anxiety

    Feeling post surgical anxiety


    I think you have a more optimistic outlook then I do. And I love that about all your postings. It is good to hear that positive changes are happening in your recovery. It’s amazing what you had to suffer through before surgery.

    I am not sure what is developing near where my femoral hernia was and near my belly button incision. My surgeon said that he was confidant (without seeing it) that is was a seroma. They are hard large size marbles in both area – maybe larger size near my belly button. It feels uncomfortable – my hernia didn’t even bother me as much. It is why I delayed getting surgery done for 1.5 years. My surgeon said they should dissolve in 2-3 weeks and to focus on other things. This is hard to do. It does not cause severe pain tho – just thus annoying dull feeling. If in on my feet too long – it aches a bit. Of course – if I gently touch them – they seem to hurt more slightly then, too. It’s frustrating to have a lump where you had surgery to remove a hernia – and not know if it will ever dissolve.

    Without him seeing them I really don’t know what I am dealing with. I am applying light heat to them several times a day as I read that can be good for them. I only iced when I was recovering and maybe that wasn’t the best thing to do. I read that massaging them gently is good to do too. But not knowing what they are – I am not sure if that is best. My surgeon is away until Monday do I will have to be patient.

    Is your seroma healing any better?

    Thanks for your continued support,

  • seeker

    November 2, 2016 at 2:39 pm in reply to: Feeling post surgical anxiety

    Feeling post surgical anxiety


    I have some understanding of the anxiety you are suffering through. Before my surgery, I had to put my faith in the experience of my surgeon and have decided to rely on his skills to get me through this journey. As we both well learned, femoral hernias just get bigger and are the most likely of hernias to strangulate. One of yours was already incarcerated. The femoral hernia location in the body requires a mesh implantation due to their high reoccurence rate otherwise with other surgeries. I don’t think either one of us had much of a choice. We were forced to make a hard decision.

    I think what Momof4 said regarding your pain before surgery having an effect on your recovery could be valid – in that you were not able to exercise or prepare physically before surgery as well as you would have had you not been in pain. It may take more time to recover from your surgery after the pain your body has undergone this whole past summer.

    Even though I did exercise, I had severe nausea, a junky chest, and soreness throughout my incisions and hernia repair area lasting days. Today, I still have soreness in all those areas and have developed a dull aching marble-size lump near an incision. People who have recovered in 3 days ? – maybe a little over-boastful – but I don’t think it’s the norm.

    I, like you, do not know if I will develop an allergic reaction to the mesh. It could happen weeks or months from now. What I do know is that I have made intelligent decisions along the way with the knowledge and expertise of the best hernia surgeons. I believe these hernia specialist have a sincere interest in helping us make the best decision in repairing these defects.

    I do not know if your surgeon was a hernia specialist, but I understood from your postings that you fully trusted his skill. There is a doctor right in NYC who has written a book with Dr Ramshaw, Dr Shirwin, and Dr Chen on groin pain. His name is Dr Brian Jacob and he is a very skilled and compassionate doctor – and a hernia specialist. He does not accept most insurances as I understand it, but he would be great to consult with should you have any deeply concerning issues in the future. He’s highly regarded amongst all the top hernia surgeons – and right in your neighborhood. Hopefully it will not come to that.

    I have read that anxiety can slow the healing phase after surgery – so I think taking a break from the internet would be a good thing. I have been meditating and listening to relax tapes in my spare time and have found them immensely helpful. In no way am I suggesting that your symptoms are psychological- these are just tools to help reduce the stress as you are dealing with these symptoms.

    I am saddened to know you are going through this anxiety and physical pain and discomfort. I’m sending you out repeated prayers for a swifter and pain free recovery and for a stress free state of mind.


  • seeker

    October 31, 2016 at 5:09 pm in reply to: Femoral hernia

    Femoral hernia


    Thank you. You’ve been such a source of comfort for me in this journey. With all that is going right with this surgery, I can get caught up in the insignificant things.


  • seeker

    October 31, 2016 at 3:46 pm in reply to: Femoral hernia

    Femoral hernia


    Sorry to be a pest. But I’m feeling a lot of pressure where my hernia use to be. Not pain – just pressure sensations. I don’t feel a bulge – but because of my coughing episodes I worry a bit about messing up my repairs. I’ve gotten the coughing under control with a new cough medicine currently. Just wanted to know if you felt pressure in that area as you recovered. It seems completely natural that I would after having surgery there. I so regret having gotten this nasty cough after the surgery. It was one of my many fears. I’m doing fine otherwise. I don’t want to bother my surgeon as I feel he has kindly responded to so many other inquiries I’ve had along the way.

    Thanks again for sharing your experience.


  • seeker

    October 30, 2016 at 11:45 pm in reply to: Femoral hernia

    Femoral hernia

    Hi Mel,

    The image of your yorkie following you around as you did your table laps made me laugh!

    To answer your questions: I had a right side hernia and the ducalox did work!

    I’m writing you to ask you the breathing exercises that helped you with your cough. I have this tickle in my throat that causes me to cough so quickly and hard. I think it’s caused by all of this junk in my chest from the surgery. I drink a lot of water and tea with honey, have cough drops, gargle with warm water and salt and take cough medicine. But nothing seems to be helping. It happens enough during the day that I am worried about its effect on my surgery. You can really feel it in that area when you cough. If you have the time to let me know – I’d appreciate it.

    How is your rash? Are you feeling any better today?

    I’m still having general aches and pains – but nothing to complain about. The nausea has gone away and I am enjoying eating again – even if it is lighter meals for now.


  • seeker

    October 29, 2016 at 4:10 pm in reply to: Femoral hernia

    Femoral hernia


    How are you doing today? I didn’t realize you got a rash. How long after surgery was this? Is it itchy? Are you moving around a bit better today? I was told to move as soon as possible – so I’ve been walking every hour and going up and down my cellar stairs. I’m not taking any anti-inflammatories (just arnica) so I’m feeling a bit achy – but nothing that’s not tolerable.

    I tried to eat a little this morning. I’m actually starving but the nausea keeps me from eating. I have a heavy gunky chest feeling from a reaction in my lungs to the co2 for surgery too. Looking forward to getting past these recovery days.

    Hope you’re feeling better!!!


  • seeker

    October 28, 2016 at 6:24 pm in reply to: Femoral hernia

    Femoral hernia

    Hi Mel,

    Yes. It was in NYC and I had to pay out of pocket. The hospital was covered tho.

    Do you have a binder to wear around your stomach to help stand up straight? The hospital sent me home with one.

    I don’t think I was given steroids. Never thought to ask.

    You had more done then I did – so your recovery will be different. I was told to wait 3-6 weeks to begin to get back to my baseline and not to get worried during the recovery. But it could take longer. Are you feeling better in any way since the surgery? I hope you’re feeling better in some ways.

    How long before you felt the CO2 got out out of your system? It’s really making me nauseous still! Can’t even think of eating. Never considered that I’d have to deal with this. I find it almost more annoying then the surgery aches!


  • seeker

    October 28, 2016 at 1:03 pm in reply to: Femoral hernia

    Femoral hernia

    Hi Mel,

    Yes. I had my laparoscopic femoral hernia surgery yesterday afternoon. My husband and I got home at 11:00 last night. Unlike you, I had no pain from my hernia going in and I seem to be doing well as far as moving around this morning. I’m taking arnica, icing my stomach and trying to rest between walking. I couldn’t eat anything last night – even water made me vomit. But nausea can happen I understand. Apparently I had a rare reaction to the carbon dioxide and my face blew up during surgery. My eyes are still really puffy today – I look a little scary.

    I have been extremely anxious about getting this mesh surgery done. My anxiety got worse and worse as the surgery date approached – I almost decided to put if off the night before. I spent so much time researching and finding an excellent doctor (thanks to this forum!). My surgeon finally told me that I needed to trust him as I would a pilot on a plane – and that put it all in perspective for me. My femoral hernia was not going away and it is one of the hernias that you can least have a wait and see attitude with. Mesh was the only way to fix it properly – period. I was realizing that many of my friends have had mesh hernia repairs and none of them had any issues – and after many years. I believe the forum is great at educating its members on how to find amazing surgeons and in directing them in help for their hernia issues. Unfortunately, I was a reader who became paralyzed in fear at what could go wrong. It is heart wrenching to learn about members suffering from problems due to their surgery. This hernia forum is such a valuable tool – but use it in a positive way – fear is not helpful in any situation.

    I didn’t mean to go off on a tangent there.

    Thank you for reminding me to keep up on the milk of magnesium. It’s an easy thing to forget but soooo important.

    I hope all is going well for you.


  • seeker

    October 28, 2016 at 4:01 am in reply to: Femoral hernias

    Femoral hernias

    Thank you for your reply Dr Towfigh.

  • seeker

    October 27, 2016 at 1:18 am in reply to: Femoral hernia

    Femoral hernia

    Hi Mel,

    Are you taking pain medication still? I understand that they can cause a lot of constipation. I was instructed that I should take milk of magnesium starting right after surgery. So you’re doing the right thing now.

    I hope you’re feeling better.

  • seeker

    October 26, 2016 at 11:33 pm in reply to: Inguinal hernia got big quickly

    Inguinal hernia got big quickly

    I’m forgetting I’ve asked you this question. My apology.

  • seeker

    October 26, 2016 at 11:24 pm in reply to: top hernia in wisconsin

    top hwrnia in wisvonsin

    Just remembered that you said you did not know. I apologize for re-asking.

  • seeker

    October 26, 2016 at 11:04 pm in reply to: Inguinal hernia got big quickly

    Inguinal hernia got big quickly


    What kind of mesh did you have for your repair?

  • seeker

    October 26, 2016 at 11:01 pm in reply to: top hernia in wisconsin

    top hwrnia in wisvonsin


    What kind of mesh did you have for your repair?

  • seeker

    October 26, 2016 at 1:28 am in reply to: Inguinal hernia got big quickly

    Inguinal hernia got big quickly

    No more questions….for now.

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. Really good to know you are still doing well.


  • seeker

    October 25, 2016 at 1:55 am in reply to: top hernia in wisconsin

    top hwrnia in wisvonsin

    Thanks for your responses. They have been very helpful!

  • seeker

    October 24, 2016 at 11:37 pm in reply to: top hernia in wisconsin

    top hwrnia in wisvonsin

    Thank you for your reply Beenthere.

    I am in NY state. I am following Dr Towfigh’s forum advise for a surgeon. I really trust and like him – and he really listens to my concerns.

    Did your surgeon use Progrip for your hernia repair? That is one my surgeon has suggested he will use. I swing between being dead sure that this procedure is what I should do to being terrified of having something implanted that is difficult to remove should it need to be. Having such a large femoral hernia at the moment – I need to make a decision before an emergency room surgeon will have to make the decision for me!!!!

    Are you happy with your repairs?

    Thank you.

  • seeker

    October 24, 2016 at 10:26 pm in reply to: top hernia in wisconsin

    top hwrnia in wisvonsin

    Hi BeenThere,

    I was wondering – as you seem happy with your repair – what kind of mesh your doctor used. I’m also understanding that you consider the doctor doing the repair as important in your success. Any positive encouragement that you could offer – I would be grateful for. Please explain to me why you chose to use mesh in the end.

    I am suppose to go for my femoral hernia repair on Thursday with a hernia specialist using Progrip mesh laparoscopically and even though I’ve been assured by two top doctors that this should be the safe and wise choice – I am experiencing extreme anxiety over the surgery. I am half thinking to go the suture route even though the chances are low for lasting as long.

    I am sending an identical posting to WasInTN to get his opinion too.

    Thank you for your response. Appreciate all of your postings.

    I apologize for cutting in on another thread. Wasn’t sure how to direct my questions to Beenthere. It would be nice to have Personal Message feature on this forum.

  • seeker

    October 24, 2016 at 10:19 pm in reply to: Inguinal hernia got big quickly

    Inguinal hernia got big quickly

    Hi WasInTN

    I was wondering – as you seem happy with your repair – what kind of mesh your doctor used. I’m also understanding that you consider the doctor doing the repair as important in your success. Any positive encouragement that you could offer – I would be grateful for. Please explain to me why you chose to use mesh in the end.

    I am suppose to go for my femoral hernia repair on Thursday with a hernia specialist using Progrip mesh laparoscopically and even though I’ve been assured by two top doctors that this should be the safe and wise choice – I am experiencing extreme anxiety over the surgery. I am half thinking to go the suture route even though the chances are low for lasting as long.

    I am sending an identical posting to BeenThere to get his opinion too.

    Thank you for your response. You posts have been reassuring in the past.

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