News Feed Discussions General Surgery News – Society Shines Spotlight on Hernia Mesh Safety Issues, 5/19

  • General Surgery News – Society Shines Spotlight on Hernia Mesh Safety Issues, 5/19

    Posted by Good intentions on June 26, 2019 at 4:37 am

    Register for General Surgery News and you will be able to read this article. It covers most of the aspects of the mesh problem that have been discussed on this forum. All it takes is an email address and choosing a password. The article is well worth reading and hopeful.

    The bulk of the article shows that many surgeons are aware that there are problems and are working to solve them. Dr. Towfigh and Dr. Heniford, among others, are playing an important part, and are quoted.

    Some tone-deaf professionals are quoted also, maybe to show how ingrained mesh is in the community as a point of reference.

    Excerpts –

    ” “I think the questions that are being asked about the safety of hernia mesh are appropriate,” Dr. Rosen said. “We don’t have a lot of great data. That said, we do think hernia mesh is safe and that’s why we do it.””

    Translated – “We don’t know, but we do it anyway.”

    “Representatives of the FDA were invited to join the panel but declined the request, Dr. Rosen said. Many industry representatives attended the session but were not panelists. Organizers of the session requested that all discussions avoid identifying specific brands of mesh.”

    Translated – “We don’t want anyone to know if our product is one of the bad ones. The FDA is right here with us.”

    Good intentions replied 5 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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