News Feed Discussions PLEASE FILL OUT : Patient Survey

  • drtowfigh

    May 29, 2020 at 7:56 pm

    The AHSQC is unrelated to this survey. This was made by one of my Czech colleagues. She is trying to figure out what issues are important to patients and this how surgeons can better discuss and inform their patients.

  • Good intentions

    May 27, 2020 at 7:49 pm

    That is a very disappointing survey Dr. Towfigh. It seems to have the aim of learning how to make patients feel more comfortable about having mesh implanted.

    None of the questions will produce any information that will actually improve the outcome of a hernia repair. The survey seems to be for the sole purpose of making the surgeon’s work easier. It’s not for the patient’s welfare, it’s for the business of mesh implantation. For surgeons that implant mesh. I don’t see any other purpose for it, I couldn’t even pretend.

    Is this what the “Hernia Collaborative” is about? A collaboration of surgeons trying to make business easier?

    Where is the survey about the results from mesh implantation, and mesh removal, and quality of life after mesh implantation? The one that determines which products are bad and which might actually be good? A collaboration that actually makes life better for future patients, and, coincidentally, doctors too.

    Let’s see that survey, please. That would be meaningful.

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