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Excercises to avoid for inguinal hernias!!
Posted by Mark on June 21, 2020 at 11:14 amSo what excercises generate the highest amount of abdominal pressure? In other words…what to avoid doing to prevent getting or reccuring an inguinal hernia?
2. What about biking? I’d imagine sitting in a hard seat for hours hunched over places an enormous amount of strain and pressure on the abdomen, bowels, groin, ect…
3. Weight belts seem to be horrible for inguinal hernias as the belt only increases the intra abdominal pressure in the groin area rather than no belt means it distributes the pressure away from the groin.
UhOh! replied 4 years, 8 months ago 6 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
Avoid the Valsava maneuver. Ironically, it is used in strength training, but can lead to weakness. I used it when I had a sore back, to stabilize my core so that I could continue to play sports. It was very effective at stabilizing my core so that my back did not hurt, but I think that it is what caused my hernia.
“Strength training
The Valsalva maneuver is commonly believed to be the optimal breathing pattern for producing maximal force and is frequently used in powerlifting to stabilize the trunk during exercises such as the squat, deadlift, and bench press, and in both lifts of Olympic weightlifting.[10] Additionally, competitive strongmen often use the Valsalva maneuver in things such as log press, yoke walks, and stone loading, as well as any other strongman movements.” -
Personally, when I found out I had a hernia, I gave up the weight belt the next day for that exact reason: maximizing intra-abdominal pressure while having nothing to protect the inguinal area seemed like a recipe for it to get worse quickly.
Eventually, I also gave up deadlifting, too, since that was the one exercise where I could feel pressure on the hernia (that I don’t want to get bigger). I still squat heavy, though, and have for the four years I’ve had a hernia. For some reason, that’s the one thing that’s never seemed to bother it (in terms of pain; not sure whether it has contributed to it increasing in size any).
Not sure how that has impacted it to be honest. On the one hand, there is an increase in pressure, but on the other, perhaps the increase in core strength has helped compensate for the damaged tissue. I can only guess…
Other things I have changed/given up in terms of gym: No more twisting (like medicine ball, or kettlebell twists), no more “hanging” core exercises (knee raises) and no more pull-ups (I would feel a “stretch” in the area as well as pressure on it). Also, when I do push-ups or planks I first reduce it and then keep the surrounding muscles as tense as possible during the exercise. Just my personal experience; absolutely no part of which should be construed as advice or expertise.
This is an interesting question: do you get an hernia because of an injury, or is it a degenerative process?or both? A mesh is supposed to give you extra resistance but an exercise could move it or cause inflammation next to it. Tissue repairs do not address the degenerative aspect. Having said that, not moving or exercising out of fear will most certainly cause you troubles, potentially as or more serious than the hernia you absolutely want to avoid. I would say: if you have an hernia go exercise and be smart about it; if you don’t have an hernia do exactly the same…
I would add, however, that deadlifts are absolutely asking for trouble. Don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise. I started a deadlifting routine and after my 3rd day of it, I had a hernia. My grandfather also had his hernias recur after essentially doing a deadlift (back in his time). Google “inguinal hernia” and you will see a picture of a man doing, essentially, a deadlift. Some people go back to deadlifting after their repairs but I wouldn’t dare.
Well Mark, I’m afraid it’s impossible to answer that question definitively. Results vary wildly by the type/intensity of excercise, the quality of the surgical repair, etc. As frustrating as it seems, it is a guessing game and no two people are totally alike.
Very good questions, Mark. Have wondered the same… would be great to have docs or people that have gone thru the surgery weigh in.
And the most controversial question..after waiting plenty of time after healing from a hernia surgery, should someone ever go back to training abs, low back and core? Or should that person give core training altogether to avoid reccurances and simply diet and exercise other parts of the body besides the core indefinitely?
The valsalva maneuver is typically combined with the use of a weight belt to achieve maximal intra-abdominal pressure during lifts. That IAP is where the stability comes from. I don’t use it to the degree I used to (when I used a belt), for that very reason. I still actively breathe into my stomach instead of my chest but concentrate on locking my lower back in place, not bracing against my abdominals, for stability/to keep from flopping over.
I’m shocked this question never seems to develope good scientific answers over time. Answers tend to be guesses and various opinions but nothing is every quoted with science or study’s. I’ve spent 25 years working out it has become a way of life. BUT IF I KNEW JEAPORDIZING WORKING OUT EVER AGAIN WOULD CAUSE HERNIA COMPLICATIONS OR RECUURRANCE…I WOULD NEVER TOUCH A GYM FLOOR AGAIN NOR DO ANYTHING BEYOND WALKING. Looking good and feeling good are important but having no hernia is FAR MIRE IMPORTANT…IT IS EVERYTHING. I just wish I knew if giving it up completely, or how much to give up, would increase my chances of no hernia issues coming back.
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