HerniaTalk **LIVE** Q&A with Dr. Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert 09/15/2020
Tuesday’s HerniaTalk **LIVE** Q&A will be with the accomplished Dr Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert, rheumatologist at the University of Alberta in Canada.
Dr Tervaert has established himself as the leading expert in the autoimmune effects of certain implants, including #hernia #mesh. He has published in ASIA syndrome, AKA Shoenfeld’s syndrome and is among few with tangible experience with such autoimmune and autoinflammatory reactions to hernia mesh.
He will be sharing his experience and his evaluation protocol for patients with possible mesh reaction.
Tuesday, Sept 15, at 4:15pm Pacific (GMT -7)
You can join via Zoom here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LUOA3p1hSU2z-L1nKvvU9Q
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