News Feed Discussions Chronic pain 3 months after surgery

  • Chronic pain 3 months after surgery

    Posted by Thad on March 10, 2021 at 3:42 pm

    I had bi-lateral hernia surgery on December 3, 2020. During the first three weeks after surgery I had significant muscle pain and swelling which finally resolved. However after three weeks post surgery I started getting significant burning nerve pain in the skin of my scrotum, penis and the bottom of my feet.

    The strange thing is the pain is not constant but follows a typical pattern every day. When I wake up in the morning, sometimes there is no pain but it escalates throughout the day and evening. The surgeon who did my surgery says its nothing to do with the surgery and washed his hands of me. I was not in any pain before surgery.

    The theory by one particular doctor who is an expert in pudendal neuralgia is that I have muscle spasms that are compressing my pudendal nerves.

    This situation has caused me chronic pain and depression. I don’t know if its directly due to the surgery or the stress during the first three weeks caused my muscles to spasm.

    Has anyone experienced anything similar or have any thoughts on this?


    DrBrown replied 3 years, 12 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • DrBrown

    March 14, 2021 at 3:12 pm

    Is the pain unilateral or bilateral?
    How were the hernias repaired?
    The pain in the scrotum and base of the penis is probably related to damage to the ilioinguinal nerve. I advise a nerve block. If you feel significantly better then that would be strong evidence that the nerve is the source of your trouble. The appropriate treatment can be started.

    I do not believe that the foot pain is related.

    Kind regards.
    Bill Brown MD

  • Good intentions

    March 10, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    Search for Dr. Brown’s posts on the site. He has experience in diagnosing nerve pain and understands how mesh can cause nerve problems. The reaction of your surgeon is very common. It’s just part of the mesh repair profession. They are told that mesh cannot be the cause of problems, or that if there are problems it’s their fault because they are unskilled.

    Dr. Brown will have some advice but you might have to search for a doctor who will try to help you and use his advice. Most mesh repair surgeons will not want to talk to you. Sorry. Good luck.

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