I know so many guys……
who got a hernia…did absolutley zero research…went to their primary…who referred them to some surgeon down across the hall. They went in had mesh shoved in open and a week later were back to their lives with zero complications. I simply dont understand how this is possible given what i know now. This really is a simple routine operation for many. I cant help but wonder if i overthought it. Researched it for two years —saw 6 doctors —went mesh for what i thought were very well thought out reasons. There was a good chance I had two hernias. So two 3 inch incisions with surgical pain and risk for chronic pain. Everyone was referring to open surgery as the “old” way…very painful and difficult to recover from. Ate breakfast with three double meshed guys going on 15 years without issues. Studies said risk of chronic pain was the lowest with lap. Now i know that it was probably a lie but at the time it seemed credible. My procedure had zero scarring. Sadly my vanity got me there. I didnt want to look like edward scissorhands got into my groin. Liars like Todd—-mesh is extremely safe- Harris…and paid mesh shill Voeller and Yunis…said risks of mesh were way lower in lap than you would think. The tissue repair guys were all shady —Peterson and GRishkan absolute horrible consults..it was obvious they could care less about the patients. The Desarda technique looked dubious. And of course all the mesh surgeons wrote it off as a flakey surgical technique. At the time Shouldice was requiring the death jab. And they were using Stainless steel –i didnt realize they were open to polyprop…i talked to several guys who had shouldice they were still having pain a year later. A woman who go desarda told me she was sore the next day every time her dog pulled hard…then doctor towfigh basically trashed Desarda…as unproven and a previously failed technique. She said she didnt like shouldice either because it was too tight. A friend did some math and said with all the suturing—you get as much plastic with shouldice as you do with mesh. So the decision was impossible. I never thought that you had to fly to korea for hernia surgery. And at that time there was traffic on this board about Pinto’s recurrance…it made me wonder whether Kang’s procedure was sound. Kudos to you guys who cut through all the noise and got a good result….it really was sheer luck i think.
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