News Feed Discussions Triple Neurectomies Triple Neurectomies

  • drtowfigh

    February 9, 2016 at 7:05 am

    Triple Neurectomies

    Nerves grow back at a very slow rate. The purpose of neurectomy is not to have nerves grow back and so a segment of nerve is actually cut out so that they don’t regrow. The proximal cut end is buried into muscle to reduce neuroma formation because muscle is a nice vascular bed free from the scar tissue of the operation. If it’s. It buried, the risk of scar tissue growing into the cut end of the nerve is higher (think tree roots growing into cracks), thus neuroma and pain.

    We have learned a lot since we started performing laparoscopic neurectomy. It seemed that the ILIOINGUINAL and iliohypogastric nerves also may have motor nerves. That branch off in the retroperitoneal space, before they inner are the groin.