News Feed Discussions long term efficacy of triple neurectomy Reply To: long term efficacy of triple neurectomy

  • Momof4

    May 28, 2019 at 12:13 pm

    I will weigh in on this subject since I have had a triple neurectomy, performed laparoscopically, near to the spine. I didn’t have any problems with the procedure itself. It was performed by a top hernia specialist in 2014. The area of numbness has not been bothersome and is still significant, 5 years later. In an appt with Dr. Chen, 2 years later, for chronic groin pain and mesh reaction, he noted that I wasn’t as numb as was expected after triple neurectomy. Some nerves regenerate over time, so some of my sensation had returned. Before my surgery I asked if there were any effects besides sensory and was old No. This hasn’t proved to be the case. I think as time has gone on and more triple neurectomies performed, the thinking on that has changed and physicians now realize there are some other effects. I am having some muscle wall laxity that is contributing to my long list of problems since the neurectomy, problems with recurrent hernias and mesh reactions that aren’t related to the triple neurectomy.

    Also, I have been a patient at The Dellon Nerve Institute In Baltimore, MD. Dr. Eric Williams is a top nerve specialist and would be a great person to see next. He specializes in all things related to nerves and is very familiar with nerve problems after hernia repair and mesh removal. He performs ultrasound guided, diagnostic nerve blocks in office, if possible. If not, he can send you to Johns Hopkins for further, more extensive diagnostic testing. He also offers surgery for this problem, when appropriate. We are holding off on surgery for my nerve problem, for now, due to the complexity of my condition and number of previous abdominal/groin surgeries and multiple recurrent hernias. He referred me to Johns Hopkins to pursue Cryo-ablation. He is still willing to help me if the less invasive treatments are unsuccessful.

    I hope this helps. Best wishes on finding the optimal treatment for your problem. If you would like to ask more specific questions, feel free to message me privately on this forum.