News Feed Discussions parietex progrip removal, an exercise in futility? parietex progrip removal, an exercise in futility?

  • drtowfigh

    October 22, 2015 at 3:00 pm

    parietex progrip removal, an exercise in futility?

    Fascinating discussion

    I agree with Dr Earle. I would have to see your imaging to confirm if you indeed had hernias. I wonder if you had small hernias that were treated and your surgeon’s comment about “prophylactically” repairing them intended to imply that you had not yet incarcerated or strangulated your (small) hernias and he was protecting you from this possibly occurring in “3-5 years.”
    I don’t know. Just trying to make more logical sense of the situation.
    – did the symptoms for which you presented to the ER resolve after the hernia repair? That is what is important. Just because your hernias were small does not mean they were not causing your symptoms. Symptoms are a more important reason to operate than size.

    As for mesh removal: it’s almost always feasible. It has risks. Injury to your spermatic cord or to nerves in the area are definitely risks with this operation and so I would not take recommend that procedure lightly. The question is why do you have your symptoms and direct the treatment toward that end.

    If you are fit and you had three pieces of mesh, a tightness or stiffness of your abdomen and pelvis may be the cause. Also, the type of fixation you had may be the cause. Inflammation due to mesh should resolve Formosa Patients after the first couple of months. Thin patients and women are more likely to have this problem, as are those with fibromyalgia and inflammatory disorders. Dr Earle’s recommendations are right on for that problem.

    If your mesh is too tight, Botox injections have been shown to help out with that problem. It’s a unique thought. It relaxes the muscles and therefore the repair. It is a temporary effect but many people have a long lasting result.