News Feed Discussions I continue to decline where abdominal mesh is – haven’t had a bm in 9 days; used an enema and two balls came out. I know mesh removal is necessary I continue to decline where abdominal mesh is – haven’t had a bm in 9 days; used an enema and two balls came out. I know mesh removal is necessary

  • skaadland

    March 28, 2016 at 5:05 am

    I continue to decline where abdominal mesh is – haven’t had a bm in 9 days; used an enema and two balls came out. I know mesh removal is necessary

    Sandwiched in between the abdominal wall. Is it not unusual to not provide the stamp – the implant log?
    And, do you think mesh can be seen as far as complexity, problems, by a CT scan?
    I’ve been sick for three years; told mesh is fine; happen to have it in four places and it is not fine but it took ME to happen a site about mesh, meet a zealot who was mesh injured who is helping me; my cheerleader, however, patience wearing thin as I’ve lost any quality of life. I stand, excruciating pain rips through me and the domino effect after hernia repair has devastated my life.
    I’d like to know how you treat removal and if you have recommendations for seeing mesh – as I said, the Army doctor did best to do the Jamadar and Reutin test – there’s a void right under breast down to area where hernia was repaired. I cannot wear a bra or anything tight over abdomen. And that’s just the beginning.