News Feed Discussions Surgery web sites that advertise mesh removal Reply To: Surgery web sites that advertise mesh removal

  • Good intentions

    December 6, 2022 at 11:16 am

    Dr. Towfigh has mesh removal spelled out on the front page, and a link to click. But the description on the page when you click through seems outdated. Blaming the pain on folded mesh or mesh infection, when the collected data clearly shows, even in Dr. Krpata’s recent Cleveland Clinic video, that perfectly placed uninfected mesh can cause pain. Mesh reaction is the prevalent cause of pain, not very rare. The page needs updating, it is perpetuating a myth. Even the plug removals are not improperly folded mesh, the “meshoma” is a result of perfect plug placement. Just clearly express when mesh is bad. Softening the description helps nobody except the mesh producers. Some mesh is definitely just bad.

    If you click “mesh removal” on the first page you end up on the mesh complications page.