News Feed Discussions Surgery web sites that advertise mesh removal Reply To: Surgery web sites that advertise mesh removal

  • Good intentions

    December 6, 2022 at 11:27 am

    You’d expect that somebody, somewhere, maybe one of the law firm lawyers, will notice that the same people implanting mesh are also removing it. How can that be? It’s like having cigarette vending machines in a doctor’s office. Or Monsanto owning a cancer clinic.

    On the positive side, the next step from popularizing mesh removal is mesh-caused-chronic-pain prevention. Eventually, also, somebody, hopefully one of these high volume mesh removal surgeons, will call out the fact that the mesh that they are removing has nothing inherently wrong with how it was placed or how the expected “incorporation” process occurred. The product was implanted properly, there was no infection, there was no folding, nerves and new vessels and tissue granulation was happening, but removing the mesh removed the patient’s pain. It doesn’t fit the story.

    It has to happen. It won’t be the mesh producers that make it happen though, the business is too safe at this time. It should be the FDA or the professional societies leading the effort but that is unlikely also. There is a lot of money involved.