News Feed Discussions Suffocation after Removal Suffocation after Removal

  • Mesh

    October 6, 2016 at 8:22 pm

    Suffocation after Removal

    Thank you for checking in Dr. Towfigh

    According to 4 specialists here in Seattle the inability to breathe correctly is the result of Petersens removal.
    A combination of the neurectomies weaking the wall causing a severe prolapse and the “repair” he does, overlapping muscles so tight and reshaping the groin into a “funnel” pushing everything into the testicles and pelvic floor like a tube of toothpaste so the upper portion of my stomach does not have room to expand because it has shrunk because contents are now lower than before so when I inhale I can’t get a solid breathe or enjoy a simple yawn. I suffocate in some cases passing out. I only experienced this after removal I never had these issues before.
    The inhale also pushes into those areas, I can feel intense pressure on the opposite side of repair and into the groin/penis/testicle. The nerves have lost function to innervate the iliac muscle that helps me use my lower back to inhale also. I have a short torso so I needed those nerves. The sensations are truly traumatizing.

    In my opinion and my doctors mesh and nerve removal should only be done in an emergency situation not “if someone wants it out” or some discomfort. The removal did not benefit me, only added more serious problems and discomfort. Today another patient flies in to stay with me from Colorado and we will be sharing notes, he to is much worse and traumatized from the removal.

    Thanks again for checking in. I will send people here if anyone has questions regarding hernias.

    2 years of worse torture than mesh.