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Have had pain for about 3 months
Dr. Towfigh
I finally had my surgery on Monday. The surgeon sent sent me home the same day. He performed an open inguinal hernia repair, no mesh was used. He told me it was a small hernia and he found it right away during surgery, and repaired it. The incision is about 3″ long. He said he had seen it in the ct scan, but it was very small. It has been almost 72 hrs since I had the surgery. I have mild pain when I get up and walk, but I am recovering well. Thank you so much for educating everyone about hernias, I went through a lot to get the right diagnosis. The surgeon is the one who diagnosed it, but I was sent to him so that he can treat an “intususcepcion” that didn’t even exist it.
I had piece of mind when I found your article online, and realized my symptoms were the same you were describing. Again, thank you Dr. Towfigh. I can’t believe this nightmare is over.