News Feed Discussions parietex progrip removal, an exercise in futility? parietex progrip removal, an exercise in futility?

  • marcello71

    October 14, 2016 at 8:02 pm

    parietex progrip removal, an exercise in futility?

    I hope this doesn’t offend any other doctors, but I admire & sort of regard Dr David Chen as like the ‘Serpico’ of the hernia mesh industry since he never has any financial disclosures. I mean do other doctors at the conferences ever corner him like pacino saying to him: “Hey Dr Chen, when you don’t take money it makes the rest of us nervous…”? Lol, Only kidding. I’ve got loads of hernia mesh shtick at this point unfortunately(I did stand-up before all this so its my coping mechanism I guess).

    Another symptom I still continue to have is the testicular pain w bruising. So when I see some of these Da Vinci videos where grape skin is peeled off & then sutured back down, I wonder how easy or realistic it is to delamimate or lyse the mesh off of the spermatic cord(testicular vessels & vas deferen) w the robot? I mean why are so many surgeons more willing to dissect, pull apart & de-nervate the spermatic cord w the robot rather then just removing the mesh off of it instead? Dr Towfigh I’ve seen your video of robotic spermatic cord lysis to treat testicular pain & I was blown away, I immediately thought “that’s it, that’s exactly what I & so many other guys w this issue need! Like the lion w the thorn in its paw.” It was quite compelling & I hope more surgeons start taking notice of how capable the robot can be for removal.