News Feed Discussions The future of the Kang Repair Reply To: The future of the Kang Repair

  • ajm222

    March 9, 2023 at 10:40 am

    I believe Dr. Kang’s ultimate hope for all this hard work is that like Shouldice, Desarda, etc, his method will eventually be widely accepted and practiced the world over. I believe he’s continuing to do studies and publish so that he has the evidence to present to a much broader audience proof that his technique works and should be done by others, who will come to him to learn. Obviously it’s not likely to make much of a headway into the whole mesh dominated world of hernia repair. But if it’s indeed as great as everyone says, eventually it will take hold with more surgeons in other countries. And I am sure he’s training his son to do it as well in the meantime.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by  ajm222.