News Feed Discussions How long can inguinal hernia repair be expected to last Reply To: How long can inguinal hernia repair be expected to last

  • ajm222

    October 13, 2017 at 12:57 pm

    Again, all good advice. I think I had confused open vs lap hernia mesh placement and thought open would put the mesh closer to vital structures and lap would be further away. I’ll keep that in mind. I do believe the surgeon is the expert, especially if they’ve done thousands, and their advice should be carefully considered. but I obviously also believe it’s vitally important for patients to be very informed about all of these things prior to something as serious as surgery. the second surgeon I saw said it sounded like I knew more about hernias and hernia surgeries than most doctors, and sadly that might be true. but I don’t expect I know more than a FACS surgeon who performs them regularly 🙂 I plan to send a follow-up email to this surgeon and ask a bunch of questions related to what we’ve discussed. will see how he responds. thanks again.