2 yrs Constant Pain from groin to back kidney area
Hi. My name is Carl Sparks, Sept 3 2017 I had laparoscopic inguinal hernia surgery. Absolutely no post op pain. 6 months after my strangulated right inguinal hernia repair i began to swell at the surgery site. 3 -4 months later burning stinging and a numbness began with a constant dull yet steady pain. My gabapentin dose was increased yet over the next 3 months I developed more painful symptoms. Diagnosed as nerve damage my meds were changed to lyrica and amityriptlyn with no possitive results i recieved my first nerve block. My surgeon asked to try the nerve block during a check up visit where he and his staff saw first had the level of pain i had been complaining about. This pain did not and still does not respond in any way to nerve blockers or steroids shots other than to punish me with more pain from dull and constant to sharp and throbbing. At 9-10 post op i bent over to pick my tv remote up off the floor and was meet with a very sharp, intense, throbbing and radiation pain hit me all throughout my groin and right hip area. The pain hit multiple times as i attempted to stand back up straight from the area of the inguinal ligament. Sitting or laying down causes my right leg and right arm to fall asleep. I am also plagued with the sensation that something moving throughout my pelvis, buttocks and legs as if urine or some kind of fluid flowing since jan. 1 2018. Only other time i have experienced this sensation was after my last nerve blocker and steroid shot to the pubic tubular 4 days ago. What ever this is causing my pain on the right side is spreading to my left. The left testicle is know showing significant signs of problems, highly sensitive to touch and like the right side intense debilitating pains during orgasms. My muscles in both legs hurt like them and my bone no longer get along. NO pelvic scans, no ex rays, no mri have been taken. Emergency rooms have performed ct scans due 102-105 fevers with no blood or urine infections seen in lab work. One er physician saw clear signs of increased lymph-node size on ct scan, after negative test of bacteria in blood and urine 102 fever and no relief of pain from the demerol and dilaudid he administered through iv.
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