News Feed Discussions 4 days postop – insane nerve pain – common??

  • 4 days postop – insane nerve pain – common??

    Posted by bbirken on December 22, 2019 at 2:22 pm

    I had open mesh inguinal hernia repair on the 18th. From the 20hr postop mark-on, I’ve had much burning pain on the inside of my thigh where it hits my groin. Laying down there is no problem. But when moving or in response to certain types of touch, it inflames like a knife is being scraped down my skin half an inch deep.

    While I know it’s too early to tell if such will be a chronic issue, I’ve had a hard time finding any reliable information online if this is a common short-term issue. Or is the severity of it a sign of ongoing Ilioinguinal nerve problems?

    Also, rather than waiting weeks/months to see if it subsides, can anything be done now? I’m not saying a full-on neurectomy but man I’d rather feel nothing than the current level of pain. Should I consider a nerve block this early? Injections?

    If this type of pain typically goes away in most cases, how long should I wait?

    Given my online research and watching a super helpful video by Dr. Chen, I’m 99% certain the affected nerve is the Ilioinguinal as the pain is exclusively in the crease from where the thigh meets the groin and the interior thigh itself, all at or below the line of the base of my penis. No scrotum or penis pain or anything above the groin.

    thanks for any and all advice. Maybe a suggestion for a good cream to use? It seems pain meds do nothing.

    drtowfigh replied 5 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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