A couple of interesting new articles in General Surgery News
One of them requires signing up. It is a discussion about topics in hernia repair, done, apparently, by written questionnaire to several well-known surgeons. Dr. Voeller is one. He seems to be getting “radicalized”, his comments run parallel to the current political climate. Very emphatic. Kind of fascinating to see how it permeates medicine too.
The other is one that is interesting from a scientific perspective. Studies were done that did not produce expected results. So weaknesses were found in the studies. It is a common problem, cognitive bias. Starting with a hope or goal disguised as a hypothesis.
Signing up is easy and you will get emails when new issues are published.
“MARCH 31, 2023
On the Spot: The Art of Herniology: Current Debates
“Should general surgery trainees be required to train on the robotic platform and achieve robotic certification in order to graduate?
Should more be done proactively from those collecting data in surgery to protect surgeons from the potential unintended consequences related to surgeon liability?
Does robotic eTEP potentially put hernia patients at risk for undergoing unnecessary roboTAR due to the inability to reliably close the posterior rectus sheath?
Should performance of complex abdominal wall reconstruction techniques be limited to surgeons who have had formal subspecialty training?
Is hernia a chronic disease?
Does industry meet a high standard in vetting its educational material?
As hernia reimbursement undergoes vast changes at a federal level, should professional societies get involved in advocacy and education?
Read on to see what some of the experts think!
…”This one should be viewable –
“MARCH 22, 2023
‘Embedded’ Trials Address Pressing Clinical Issues in Hernia Repair
One excerpt –
“The Open Versus Robotic Retromuscular Hernia Repair RCT
Standing in for his colleague Jeremy Warren, MD, M. Wes Love, MD, a minimally invasive surgeon with Prisma Health, in Greenville, S.C., discussed the results of the long-anticipated ORREO (Open Versus Robotic Retromuscular Hernia Repair) trial, which attempted to establish whether minimally invasive abdominal wall reconstruction results in clinical outcomes that are superior to open repair.
Other than reduced length of stay, they found no significant advantages. While patients undergoing a robotic repair had an average hospital stay one day shorter than those who had an open repair, there was no statistically significant difference in the primary composite end point of surgical site infection, surgical site occurrence (ssO), an ssO requiring procedural intervention, readmission or recurrence.
The researchers are waiting to collect patient-reported outcomes and the two-year recurrence rate to cap off the study, “but we kind of know where this is heading. It was underpowered, and recruitment was surprisingly difficult,” Dr. Love said, noting that a surprising number of patients were strongly averse to a robotic repair.Ultimately, what was originally planned to be an overpowered analysis that would require two years for enrollment and yield plenty of data to demonstrate significance turned into an underpowered analysis that took four years of recruitment due to patient reluctance. …”
This discussion was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
Good intentions.
This discussion was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
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