Apologies and question for Good Intentions
Folks–so grateful for this forum. Apologize for any arguing or name calling or misrepresnting. Just very depressed about my surgical mistake…because i put so much time into studying it. As oceanic or watchful will testify…tissue repairs are no joke. EVen in the best hands you will likely have a lot of pain…hopefully its short term but you never know. There are no good answers. Good Intentions…given all the traffic on surgeries and pain analysis…is Kang still your first choice for a recurrance? As crazy as it sounds i am looking at mesh…with lichtenstien again. There seems to be a lot of support for tension free repairs…all the cutting and stitching has consequences…even in the able hands of dr kang…so curious about what you will do if a recurrance rears its head. we have had our disagreements…but we share two things…bothched double lap mesh and research fanaticism….hope we can bury the hatchet
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