Banned by my Surgeon?
Completely baffled as to why I was recently informed not to contact hospital staff anymore. Due to the corona pandemic my communications were restricted to emails except for one phone call I made. Because the mistreatment has been so stunningly bad, I have no explanation for it. My sharing here, besides a bit cathartic maybe, can be instructive for showing what can happen and be potentially insightful.
After almost six months of continual rebuffs from the hospital staff assigned me, I was informed not to contact them (May 25, 2021). Originally, on December 30, 2020, I had reported a post-op swelling, which they did not address until almost three months later (March 22, 2021) with some advice from my surgeon. I then asked for clarification, a simple routine question–not about me–but about the surgeon’s own advice about hernia swellings. One of the staff tactics (some of the staff emails were manipulative) was to continually ask for pictures.
I never asked for a diagnosis but rather about the surgeon’s previously stated experience with swellings. I wanted to make sure he had in mind swellings with a bulge or protrusion–hernia-like, right? Eventually I gave in and provided picture(s) if that would be the admission ticket for his answer. Please let me repeat: My question was not about my swelling; thus my picture(s) were not needed for his answer. In fact, if the surgeon’s observation about swellings were quasi-hernia (hernia-like but not quite) then it might be history making in the annals of medicine, for I have yet to find any alternative explanation.
From then I had to wait two months to hear this inadequate answer from staff: “Yes, he implied yes.” This gave me the feeling that staff never actually asked the doctor but drummed it out of memory. It would be like on the order of, “Yes your operation is the 19th of next month; he implied it.” You would be no better off than before you had asked the question. Nevertheless I complained and asked for confirmation but never received one to this day. Even if they answered completely satisfactorily, it came after a tormented series of back-and-forth emails of dodging the rebuffs I mentioned.
For example, during the latter two-month wait, “He’s too busy” were some of the replies I received. They went off track wanting to diagnose me when I wasn’t asking for it. They made a switch of doctor (not a good sign), contradicting my surgeon at least once. Systematically there appeared a variety of replies that were off-putting. Ironically the hospital staff said I had a “communication problem” with the surgeon (May 24, 2021)–yes! I was never allowed direct contact with him. In effect, layers or barriers appeared to be erected between him and me. Hospital policy? Since then and now I sent several emails about lifting my banning but without reply. Thus I have no recourse but to turn here.
I am still in disbelief as the hospital staff seemed unmoved that I might have gone through considerable grief about my condition and the nonsense they put me through for months. I honestly feel that they had hoped I would give up and drift away. Because the hospital is the surgeon’s own, it is likely staff were following his policy. (And if not, he had better get a better personnel director.) Ironically, if he reads HerniaTalk, it may the only way I can communicate with him. From this case, implications emerge particularly a concerning one. Hint: data. Another is the load of operations carried by this surgeon. As mentioned, staff at times said he was too busy to reply to me. Five or six months to deal with routine matters, yet dealt with ineffectively? Seems to me this is just tip of the iceberg.
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