News Feed Discussions Bilateral hernia repairs

  • Bilateral hernia repairs

    Posted by Sheraldo on May 6, 2018 at 10:22 pm

    47 yo female High level triathlete/ runner…. Dr after dr after dr since January.
    Pain R femoral triangle and R groin for 18 months.
    Pain increased after hard training block. Had to stop biking and running.developed pain left side.
    Iliopsoa bursae injection, iliopsoas trigger point injection, hip joint injection, SI joint injection, L3/4,4/5 RFA, prolotherapy to rectus femoris tendon x 2….alll with no results.
    FINALLY get into MS radiologist for US: B femoral hernias, R indirect inguinal hernia, conjoint tendinosis, remote R adductor longus tear (players college soccer).
    Finally an answer! Went into surgery. Accepted with hours and hours of tears that racing is not an option in 2018 and coaching girls varsity soccer would be tough as would be working a nOccupational Therapist.
    No femoral hernia, no Indirect inguinal hernia but had mesh inserted into bilateral inguinal canal due to weakening?Pain is severe and I’m not usually a wimp.
    Pain has always been worst at femoral pulses.
    Feel like I might have had surgery for no reason.
    will I ever get back to racing , Coaching, working as an OT?
    Man I expecting too much?
    What if I had mesh implanted for no reason ????
    i feel like my whole life has changed and I still don’t have a diagnoses.
    Many advice/insights?

    Chaunce1234 replied 6 years, 5 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Chaunce1234

    May 9, 2018 at 3:20 am

    I’m sorry you’re going through this.

    Just out of curiosity, did your symptoms or pain change at all after your hernia surgery? Are symptoms the same or worse, or different? Have you tried some of the sports hernias / adduction tests yourself to see if they elicit pain?

    The video below may be helpful in demonstrating some of the common tests for diagnosing a groin sports injury

    I would echo “Good Intentions” advice to look into the possibility of a sports injury of the groin or pelvis, whether it’s something like inguinal disruption, or athletic pubalgia, or an adductor issue, or the other potential causes (some of which sounds like you’ve already ruled out). These injuries can be extremely painful but are surprisingly not well understood, diagnosed, or even treated. Dr William Meyers at Vincera Institute in Philadelphia is very well known in professional athletic circles and their clinic is an excellent resource too.

    Where are you generally located? Perhaps someone can recommend a nearby specialist. Here’s a list I had posted in another thread that you may find helpful:


    – Dr William Meyers – Philadelphia PA

    – Dr Alexander Poor – Philadelphia PA

    – Dr Litwin – UMass MA

    – Dr Brian Busconi – UMass

    – Dr Andrew Boyarsky – NJ


    – Dr William Brown – Fremont CA

    Good luck and keep us updated on your progress.

  • Good intentions

    May 6, 2018 at 10:54 pm

    I would go see Dr. William Meyers at the Vincera Institute. He works on athletes.

    It sounds like you got on to the “one size fits all hernia repair for the masses” conveyor belt. Within the last few years there is even a tendency for prophylactic mesh implantation, “while they’re in there”, although they can always find a reason. I don’t know if they can actually tell that the wall of the inguinal canal is weak if they don’t see a defect. They’d have to poke at it and do it by feel. Very suspicious, it looks like they got in there, found nothing, and thought you would want some value for your time. Good intentions at work. Or just didn’t want to close you back up and tell you that they did nothing. Many hernia mesh implantation surgeons don’t really seem to know how an athlete’s body works, so they probably didn’t even consider that aspect.

    Dr. Meyers can probably tell you what was or is really wrong. Whether or not he’ll remove mesh is unknown. He might, I think, if he thinks it will help and if he can get it out before it gets covered with scar tissue. “Incorporated” in to the body is the popular term. Once it gets incorporated, with tissue ingrowth, things get more difficult.

    Send your medical records (get a copy soon) to the Vincera Institute, with a letter, and they will at least get back to you with an opinion, I’m sure. They did for me. I would do it very soon.

    Sorry if it seems that I’m confirming worst fears. That’s just what it looks like based on what you wrote. No hernias found but they implanted mesh anyway. And athletes are known to have problems with mesh. Those are the basic facts. Good luck.

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