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Can hernias heal without surgery?
John replied 1 year, 6 months ago 17 Members · 48 Replies
Hey guys, sorry for the late post, but I just found this and thought I’d respond. This is George, the guy who writes the mynaturalherniacure blog that you linked above, where I chronicle my attempt to heal my hernia naturally without surgery. I can tell you that it is absolutely possible to get the lump to go away because I have done it. If the hernia is truly “healed” I don’t know, but it is no longer an issue for me like it was before, which is all I care about. There is a lot of work that went into it, so I don’t believe that I would have been able to get the lump to go away on it’s own without doing anything. With that being said, I have talked to a few different people over the years that were able to do it that way.
I believe it has a lot to do with pelvic posture, weakness is the muscles surrounding the inguinal canal (especially the transversus abdominis), poor hip mobility which causes tension, tension from stress, and a diet that causes inflammation in the intestines, or causes gas.
It seemed like the most important thing for me was to make sure that the hernia was being held in at all times and to never let it poke out, while at the same time working to fix the previously mentioned issues, especially strengthening the musculature.
Ive learned this through trial and error, and through talking to thousands of people with inguinal hernias over the years to find these common problems. I’ve worked to correct these problem areas on myself, and was able to get the lump to go away. I still get a little bit of a weird feeling in the area every once in a while when I’m in a forward sitting position, so I feel like I still have little ways to go, but I can get through my days without thinking about the hernia anymore.
A quick update on this:
I stumbled upon a website on another forum and it appears to chronicle a man who is trying to manage his inguinal hernia through exercises and other behavioral changes. I don’t know the efficacy of it, but I thought it was worth sharing given the topic:
He also has a YouTube channel where he discusses specific exercises that seem to be helpful for him, along with other activities.
Does it work? Who knows? But as an anecdote he claims he has been able to reduce his bulge from “two golf balls” to non-existent. Interesting certainly. Perhaps there is something to the exercises, yoga, etc?
As I said, it was just playing tricks on me. By the end of the day it eventually started pressing on my abdominal wall and some time later it was out. But it’s interesting development still. I have not had these episodes come and go so frequently. Going on 3 days straight without a hernia was a great relieve. But when it eventually starts poking out it is very uncomfortable. I would much rather have it get out to its usual resting place when I get up in the morning. As I said, my hernia is asymptomatic. Having it stay in and then start pressing to come out slowly is much worse. I don’t know what has changed, but it’s a new development. I did lose a bit of weight over the past month.
I agree, it’s practically impossible for the hole to heal up on its own. Maybe, just maybe if the hole is very small. But that means you would have to catch it early on. Strengthening your core is supposed to promote healing. That’s something I have read at least.
I don’t think it’s possible to ‘heal’ a hernia without surgery, simply because it’s a hole, and, unless the herniated tissue is not going through that hole for an extended amount of time, I don’t see how it could heal because anything going into the hole would prevent the tissue on the sides of the hole from touching to eventually heal and re-join. As a laymen it seems like herniated tissue basically prevents a normal healing mechanism because it’s keeping the hole open. But I’m not a doctor so what do I know, this is an idea that may have no basis in medical reality or anatomy.
Ultimately if a hernia is not bothering you, then “watchful waiting” seems like a very reasonable option. There are many people that have hernias and aren’t even aware of it, and many who are aware but never fix them. And of course there are countless hernia repair surgeries as well, with various outcomes.
Anyway, it’s an interesting topic and worth discussing, particularly if there’s any evidence to demonstrate efficacy or an alternative approach. Obviously nobody wants to have a surgery, so if it could be avoided that’d be great.
How did you change your sleeping position? How did you know there was less tension?
Hi George. I’ve already seen your videos and truss. You claim to have cured your hernia through exercises only. However you don’t prove it. Also, from your videos and your discourse it seems you still have an hernia. Of course your exercises and truss may be helpful. The problem is that you claim a cure. If it’s so, please use your videos to prove that you once had an hernia and not now. Or better still, why don’t you have a doctor confirm you’re cured? That way no one could doubt your word. But this way anybody can, me included.
I don’t see any pinned story on the home page regarding this.
Could you please repost?
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