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Diagnosed with diffuse moderate genitalfemoral neurosis.
Posted by Mbs on April 2, 2018 at 1:17 pmI had an ultrasound and was given the above diagnosis. Wondering what treatment options others were given or underwent?
Good intentions replied 6 years, 9 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies -
5 Replies
It sounds like the very common dissembling answer, avoiding saying what needs to be said. Mesh-induced pain.
You’ve probably seen my recommendation about getting your medical records soon. Many organizations purge their records after just a short time. Get your records, write up a good description of what you feel and when you feel it and send it and your records to surgeons who do mesh removal.
I think that the surgical field is divided in to two basic camps, regarding hernia repair – one that denies, refuses to believe, that mesh-induced pain exists and structures all of their diagnoses around that presumption. “It must be something inherent to the patient, not the mesh prosthetic”. And another camp, composed of true physicians, that accept that mesh-induced pain is real and needs to be treated as mesh-induced pain.
It’s a sad situation that is turning many honest well-intentioned doctors in to less than they could be. Like their patients with mesh problems. Everybody loses.
Get your records and find a doctor who does mesh removal. The ones who don’t will not “see” what needs to be done. I’m not saying that you will need it removed, but the doctor has to accept that mesh might be the cause before they can create a proper treatment plan. If they avoid the mesh as a cause, they will be treating other conditions and wasting your time, along with the time of the all of the other professionals involved. It’s incredible how much time and money was spent on my problem, all wasted.
Thanks for the replies. I had both sides inguinal mesh repair in 2016. Have general discomfort ever since. The discomfort is similar to the pain I had prior to surgery. Just more constant now. The doctor did not think I had a recurrence of the hernia on exam. The ultrasound showed the same. The result of the ultrasound was diffuse moderate genitofemoral neuritis.
Is the pain the result from a surgery, an injury, random onset, or other? What have you or clinicians tried to treat it so far, if anything?
Did the ultrasound identify an issue with the nerve, or was it used for a nerve block? Was it for diagnosing a hernia?
Good luck and keep us updated on your case.
Here is a link. Hope it makes it through.
Hello Mbs. I think that you meant “neuritis”, not neurosis.
You’ll probably have to give more detail to get any kind of answer. It’s not even clear that a hernia is involved.
Good luck.
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