Do I have another hernia?
Quick background: Right side IH repaired by Dr. Goodyear of Philly and fixed. no problems on right side and all well. Dr. Goodyear confirmed to me that he is retired and no longer does IH surgeries.
Now I am experiencing pain on pelvic bone – first it started on right and I assumed it is due to mesh problems and went to see the PCP. He took X-ray and said I have a femoral bump and need to see Ortho. I forgot all this and the pain on right side went away. 🙂
Now I have pain on the exact opposite side on the left side. Now the pain does not go away- since 3/4 weeks. Worse yet, it is coming from pelvic bone on left side and extends to area towards penis but I do not have a bump or any swelling. I tried checking myself in bathroom (cough, holding male parts up etc) and I can feel some small hernia but not sure because sometimes I do not feel anything. I am going back to PCP and bark at him again next week but want to know if
I have a femoral hernia or another IH on left side. For what it is worth, I work in desk job and have to sit at least 5/-8 hours with breaks of course.
1. How do I confirm I have an IH or Femoral hernia? What can I ask my PCP to find out.
2. Any good surgeons in Louisville, KY I can visit? I am not worried about mesh since I already have one on right side.
(NOTE:- I am not **NOT** looking for a general surgeon who can ALSO do IH surgeries, but rather I am looking for a specialist IH surgeon)
3. Yes IH runs in my family – my brother had two sides IH repair and my dad passed away without any IH repairs but he did have one and lived with it.
4. Knoxville TN (Dr. Ramashaw) is close but I prefer not to travel again since I travelled to Philly once and shelled more $$. In fact Knoxville KY is like 8 hours since I drive slow. 🙂 OK, 5 hours.
5. Any other help is appreciated.
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