News Feed Discussions Doctor suggestion in oregon

  • Doctor suggestion in oregon

    Posted by Milo on February 27, 2018 at 2:41 am

    Hi, I have an inguinal hernia that I plan on having repaired. I live in southern Oregon and will probably be treated by Dr Aaron Martin. Has anyone heard of him? I found him through the American hernia society website. I know Dr orenstein in Portland is supposed to be great but that will make appointments and surgery more difficult due to the travel distance. Any suggestions/advice?

    drtowfigh replied 6 years, 5 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • drtowfigh

    October 7, 2018 at 9:01 pm

    Sometimes it is worth traveling for the right operation.

  • Milo

    October 3, 2018 at 6:17 pm

    I’m in the same boat as you at this point, unfortunately. I had surgery in April, and since a few weeks after I started getting daily aching. To be fair I go to the gym frequently and it doesn’t cause any trouble, but now I’m getting back into industrial work, ie, standing on my feet all day lifting stuff and hooooly. Aches have gone from a 1 or 2 to a worryying 6.5 with much swelling. I’m not really sure what to do but wait and see, maybe find different work.
    im definitely worried about recurrence now. Have you had any problems in that area? Also, who was your doctor and how long since you had surgery?

  • TravelOften

    October 3, 2018 at 7:13 am

    Milo, you’re dodging a bullet NOT getting your surgery down in southern Oregon. I received an inguinal mesh on the right side in Grants Pass about 4 years ago. It always ached after driving all day but other than that, wasn’t that bad. Then while doing something last spring something that felt like an explosion there at the inguinal surgery site then a constant feeling of the spermatic cord to the right testical in a vice feeling and tons of nerve pain all around, day and night. Go with the best you can find. Have you met with any surgeons in Portland yet? Good luck to you.

  • Chaunce1234

    March 1, 2018 at 3:28 am

    “Good Intentions” offers good advice. Surgery is permanent and has risk, so you want to be comfortable with your surgeon as well as the surgery itself.

    The two Oregon hernia surgeons that are usually referenced on these forums are:

    – Dr Robert Martindale at OHSU, non-mesh option to eligible patients

    – Dr Orenstein at OHSU, laparoscopic option to eligible patients

    Obviously there are many other surgeons in your state. Perhaps someone else can offer additional recommendations for talented hernia surgeons in your specific area.

    Good luck and keep us updated on your case and progress.

  • Milo

    February 28, 2018 at 1:00 am

    Thank you for the encouragement. I am trying to set up an appointment with both surgeons. I have heard good things about Dr Martin, but without talking to him….I’m just not sure. I will write back with an update when the surgery is over.

  • Good intentions

    February 27, 2018 at 4:08 am

    I just posted in your other topic.

    When choosing a surgeon, and even more importantly, what type of surgery to have to repair your hernia, extend your results time-frame way out to when you are old and feeble. Because that is how long you will be living with the results of your choice. The two weeks or months or even years that of time that you save by making a quick decision will seem like nothing if the results are poor. I know of people who have dealt with poor repair (mesh) problems, for many years. I spent the three immediate years after my surgery dealing with the issue.

    See Dr. Towfigh’s recent topic about a Patient Advocacy Forum.

    Good luck. Don’t assume that the people you see complaining are just outliers, or people who had surgery before the methods and materials were developed. I was strong and healthy and had those thoughts until I became one of them. The same materials and methods have been used for at least the last 12 years and people keep getting screwed up. And the people you see on the internet are just the tip of the iceberg.

    Be careful.

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