News Feed Discussions DR David Earle

  • DR David Earle

    Posted by kchabot on January 14, 2019 at 12:42 am

    Hello fellow warriors
    We have booked an appointment with Dr. David Earl in North Chelmsford ,Massachusetts this coming Monday . Has anyone had any experience with him? My dad had inguinal hernia repair with two layers of Prolene mesh in 2001. He has now progressed to the point where he can barely walk, using a walker and wheelchair, completely disabled, requiring in- home services. Does Dr. Earl believe an implant illness? Any feedback ?? Thank you

    Good intentions replied 5 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Good intentions

    January 15, 2019 at 9:11 pm


    Didn’t work above but looks like it did here.

  • Good intentions

    January 15, 2019 at 9:10 pm
    quote kchabot:

    Thank you for all your help and guidance . My Dad’s challenges are now a “full body” experience. He also has a pacemaker (2013) and bilateral knee replacements (2015). I’m certain we are dealing with an autoimmune response to all his implants. I hope there is something we can do to alleviate his suffering. It is comforting to be validated. Best to you all.

    Dr. Earle is newly active. I hope that you sent him a message and that he replied. You can use the “at” sign to contact him indirectly. It doesn’t always work though. Good luck.



  • Chaunce1234

    January 15, 2019 at 1:30 am
    quote Good intentions:

    He seemed to be thinking right in 2007, see the image and the first link below. I have not seen a single post from him on this site though. There are posts where people respond to Chaunce1234 (I did once before Chaunce1234 corrected me) as if he is Dr. Earle, but no confirmed Dr. Earle posts.

    No idea what his thinking is today. He consults for Bard though, apparently (see the link below), so might have some internal conflicts, not so free to act on his opinion. Might be a problem.

    Good luck to your Dad. Is his problem centered around the hernia repair site or is it a general overall physical problem? I know of at least one person who had a “full body” reaction to his second mesh implant.…&cbl=48921…464-016-5072-x

    Just want to reiterate that I am not Dr Earle (nor any other doctor), just a fellow patient. I’m not sure why a few posts of Dr Earles were assigned to me, I assume during the changes to HerniaTalk forum some time last year some of the forum posts got mismatched. Anyway I don’t want to hijack this topic.

    If possible try to provide specifics about where exactly the pain is, what type of pain (stabbing, burning, dull, throbbing, tingling, etc), what makes it better/worse, etc. Did the problems start after the initial surgery in 2001? Or are they new? Has he been checked for recurrence?

    Best of luck, keep us updated on your progress.

  • kchabot

    January 14, 2019 at 5:48 am

    Thank you for all your help and guidance . My Dad’s challenges are now a “full body” experience. He also has a pacemaker (2013) and bilateral knee replacements (2015). I’m certain we are dealing with an autoimmune response to all his implants. I hope there is something we can do to alleviate his suffering. It is comforting to be validated. Best to you all.

  • Good intentions

    January 14, 2019 at 1:38 am

    Actually, I just found one. You can click on his name, or the little word bubble by his name,and send him a message. Post #7 from 2016. Sounds very promising. Good luck.

  • Good intentions

    January 14, 2019 at 1:30 am

    He seemed to be thinking right in 2007, see the image and the first link below. I have not seen a single post from him on this site though. There are posts where people respond to Chaunce1234 (I did once before Chaunce1234 corrected me) as if he is Dr. Earle, but no confirmed Dr. Earle posts.

    No idea what his thinking is today. He consults for Bard though, apparently (see the link below), so might have some internal conflicts, not so free to act on his opinion. Might be a problem.

    Good luck to your Dad. Is his problem centered around the hernia repair site or is it a general overall physical problem? I know of at least one person who had a “full body” reaction to his second mesh implant.


  • kchabot

    January 14, 2019 at 12:45 am

    Also If Dr Earle is available to respond, that would be wonderful

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