News Feed Discussions Experience with LARGE abodmen mesh repair (Sceen door, side to side, top to bottom)

  • Experience with LARGE abodmen mesh repair (Sceen door, side to side, top to bottom)

    Posted by mamadunlop on October 16, 2017 at 3:25 am

    Curious to here from others who have had a LARGE mesh repair. After 5 hernia repairs AND a full abdominal Wall reconstruction with biological mesh, I now have 4 more new hernias. My surgeon will be doing what I am now calling the “screen door” surgery.. wrapping mesh around my entire abdomen, wrapping it around my sides and going up into my chest and down low, attaching it to my pelvic bone… this is the last fix we can do, I am seriously swiss cheese.. I have had mesh, had mesh removed, had biological mesh… I have had it all. Really want to hear from anyone else that has had such a big repair? Note: I am undergoing a gastric sleeve in a few weeks so that I can lose as much weight as possible before doing this repair so we have the most chance for success. I am currently 230 pounds, most of that gained in the last 6 years that I have been laid up with hernias and pain. I look 9 months pregnant right now with multiple hernias that are popping out all around my biological mesh. Thanks for sharing! BTW, My hernia has a name, Hernrietta…. and she has her own facebook page called Hernrietta and her sisters… if you want to read my journey, ask to join it… 🙂

    Chaunce1234 replied 6 years, 3 months ago 5 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Chaunce1234

    November 13, 2018 at 2:23 am

    [USER=”1593″]mamadunlop[/USER] any updates on your case? I hope you are doing well. Keep your head up!

  • Momof4

    November 2, 2018 at 4:04 am

    I sent you a private message!

  • mamadunlop

    October 22, 2018 at 12:29 am

    Back on here to give an update…. I had weight loss (Gastric sleeve) almost a year ago and lost 70 pounds. In August I had the large mesh repair… Overall my recovery was so much easier with the weight loss and I was really happy with how it all went…. but now I am 2 months post op and started having hernia pain again, new lump, all the usual symptoms. I am so discouraged. This repair did not even last 2 months… This was my 7th hernia surgery, and was suppossed to be my last, but now…. I am at a loss. I have an appt to see the surgeon but really just dont even know what to do. Seems that any place they operate on me leaves even more of a weekness. I am literally all mesh….so maybe I need to just accept that I will be in pain for life. Sad thought at 45. -(

  • LeviProcter

    December 9, 2017 at 11:54 pm

    Agree with surgical weight loss first.

    This repair should be done by someone with lots of experience.

    These large mesh based repairs are successful but can have very serious complications.

  • marinaxivic

    October 22, 2017 at 1:03 am

    test test test test

  • Momof4

    October 20, 2017 at 2:31 am

    Glad to hear that you have a plan and surely seem to have a good attitude. I am sure with everything that you have been through, that can’t be easy!! So glad you are continuing to try to get your life back and not letting hernias and pain stop you. I am still on my recovery journey, but like you, I haven’t, nor will I ever, let hernias and their complications ruin my life. So thankful for those who have helped me along the way, like Dr. Towfigh. Keep up the good fight!

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