It was a small right side lateral inguinal hernia.
I wanted a pure tissue repair with resorbable suture inside and outside into the minimal repair technic (check it yourself online). I told him and he told me that, if the operational discovery / situation was fitted for such a solution, he would go for entirely resorbable sutures.
Basically he told me that the technic / material he will use depends on the operational situation.
In the end, I got the surgery I wanted. He also removed a lipoma on the spermatic chord (surgeons often rush and don’t take the time to do everything properly).
My recovery was painful and very long, including nerve pains and strange digestive issues. I don’t know why and I’m not blaming him. It varies a lot from an individual to another.
I’m at 5 months mark and it is still getting better. I’m not limited but I’m still careful and can still feel some tearing when I lift heavy or do some exercices, including nerves getting irritated / increased numbness. Althrough I still have some numbness, it seems to be disappearing slowly, so I guess no nerve was definitely damaged.
I had the repair checked on ultrasound, and everything is solid.
The man himself is very competent and kind, he will take the time to explain to you and, more importantely, he will listen to you. He’s also always available afterward for talking with you, reassuring you, guiding you and post-op check-up if needed.
He’s an expert not only in fixing hernia but also removing failed mesh. And althrough my own recovery was difficult, I trust he did a good job and everything will turn out fine in the end.